Page 122 of Romeo

“I have to get home,” Maddie’s boss insisted.

As he went to move away, Romeo slapped his hand across Smith’s chest—the same way Magnum did to him—to stop him. “Only need a few minutes of your time.”

“I don’t have a few minutes.”

“Ain’t askin’, Roge.”

“I was right to call you a thug.”

Romeo let that slide. He didn’t give a fuck what Roger Smith thought of him. He cared more about how the fucker treated Maddie. He wanted Maddie to be happy while Smith wanted her to be miserable.

The asshole got pleasure out of doing that. It was a whole damn power trip for him. Power that needed to be stripped from the pussy-ass bitch before him.

“Since you’re in a fuckin’ rush, lemme get to the point… You treat my girl like fuckin’ shit.”Damn, did he just call Maddiehis girl? Had he lost his damn mind?

That had to be it.

“You know who else don’t like you treatin’ her like shit?” He paused. “Her family.” He wouldn’t mention that the Fury considered her family and if they found out about Smith’s treatment of Maddie, they’d be having a conversation with him, too. Only he didn’t need to mention that whole MC, just one particular member… “Ever meet her stepdaddy?”

His answer of “no” came out strained, like his windpipe had been bruised or something.

“Be glad you haven’t. Only’ll take one word to him, and he’ll infiltrate your nightmares. Take my fuckin’ word, you don’t want that.”

“You aren’t doing her any favors by assaulting me.”

“Didn’t assault you. Not yet, anyway. Only havin’ a discussion man-to-man. Don’t gimme a reason to show you the difference ‘tween talkin’ and you endin’ up not talkin’ ‘cause your jaw’s broken.”

“You’ll end up in jail.”

Romeo shrugged. “Nothin’ new. But here’s the thing… I’d still be breathin’. Unlike you.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Like I said, ain’t me you gotta worry ‘bout. Consider me the calm before the fuckin’ shit storm. You don’t want that shit storm, Roge. Promise you that. You might got connections but so does she.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Exactly what I said, so I’m gonna make a suggestion you should heed… Gotta treat her and the rest of your employees better. Treat ‘em with respect. Give them good references.”

“I don’t have to do anything you say.”

Romeo went on like Smith hadn’t said a word. He leaned in closer and dropped his voice an octave to make his point. “Maddie hasn’t left your abusive ass ‘cause she thinks you’re gonna tank her career. That true? You hold that shit over her?”

“She doesn’t have a career to tank.”

“Bullshit. She’s doin’ time with you so she can move on to bigger and better things. You know what those are to her?”

Smith nodded. “She has this mistaken notion that she’ll get hired by a professional sports team. They’re never goingto give her a first glance, forget a second. She’s too much of a screw up.”

“Then why didn’t you fire her if she sucks so bad?”

Smith pinned his lips together.

“Thought so,” Romeo continued. “Just talkin’ out your ass and tryin’ to control her. So, here’s what you’re gonna do to make up for that… You’re gonna put in a good word for her with your friends. Her dream job is workin’ for the Steelers. See she gets that.”

Smith grimaced. “I can’t get her a job with?—”

“Steelers don’t got a spot for her yet, then check with the Penguins. Or the Pirates. Get her in where she’ll get her name known with those overpaid athletes. Or hell, give her a fuckin’ choice.”