While he had considered wearing something to conceal his identity, like a mask or similar, in the end, he decided he wanted Smith to know exactly who was delivering the important message.
His only concern about this special visit was if Maddie ended up fired. If she did, she’d probably never forgive him, and he’d never get to taste or fuck her again.
That disturbing thought almost kept him seated in thecage he’d borrowed. If he ever wanted the opportunity to dip his dick into Maddie’s sweet, wet pussy again and watch her face as she orgasmed, he should drive away and leave the whole situation alone like she insisted.
He should.
But he wouldn’t.
Romeo might benefit from Smith being a bastard, but that didn’t mean he’d let Maddie’s boss continue to go unchecked. He was ticked every damn time he entered her apartment, or she walked into his place with her spirit crushed.
He had done time in the joint. He had seen fellow inmates get beat down. Not physically, but mentally. Her working at Smith’s shouldn’t be similar to doing a bid in prison.
It wasn’t capital punishment; it was a goddamn job.
So,yeah, a little attitude adjustment was on the menu tonight. If Maddie felt the need to continue working there in order to help advance her career, then she needed a better environment to work in. Meaning, if she wouldn’t leave Smith’s, then Smith’s had to change.
Romeo was bound and determined to help make that happen.
After unfolding his body from the driver’s seat, he took long strides across the unlit parking lot. Of course, driving anything with more than two wheels, he had removed his cut. He left it in the cage after deciding it was best not to advertise his MC.
This little late-night visit didn’t have dick to do with the Knights, anyway. It wasn’t club business, this was personal.
Romeo figured if Smith saw him approaching, he’d either run, hide, or call the pigs. Because of that, he purposely dressed in all black, including wearing a do-rag on hissometimes-reflective bald head, and kept to the shadows as he moved quickly, but quietly, to catch up.
He must not have been careful enough, because when Smith glanced over his shoulder, Romeo knew he was made. He increased his pace at the same time Smith took off in a jog.
For fuck’s sake, he wasn’t expecting to break out in a damn sweat tonight. This was supposed to be a “catch and release” operation, not a chase.
A fleeting realization filled his gray matter… He should’ve hired Mercy to deliver the message so Romeo could stay anonymous.
But he was a cheap ass and, anyway, it was too fucking late. Now he needed to follow through and deliver that message. One Smith needed to receive loud and clear.
Just as Romeo got about five feet away from the fleeing business owner, Smith stopped suddenly and spun to face him. “What do you want?”
Should he be satisfied that the whites of the man’s eyes were so damn wide that they were blinding?
“You!” Smith yelled when he recognized Romeo. “Mad’s friend, the thug.”
Say fuckin’ what?Forget the part where the asshole called her “Mad” after Romeo warned him about that.“Callin’ me a fuckin’ thug?”
“Why else would you be hunting me down?”
“For a simple discussion,” Romeo lied, taking small, slow steps closer. He was trying not to spook Smith since he wasn’t in the mood to sprint after this fucker wearing his heavy boots.
“About what?”
“About the way you treat your fuckin’ employees.”
Smith’s eyebrows stitched together. “How the hell is thatany of your business? If they don’t think they’re being treated well, they are free to get a job elsewhere. I’m not forcing them to stay.”
“Ain’t you?”
For every step Romeo took toward Smith, the other man took one backward, not realizing he had a wall behind him.
Stupid? Hell yes, but the fuck if Romeo would warn him. Instead, he would use that mistake to his full advantage.
His hand shot out in a blur and his fingers wrapped tightly around the man’s throat. He used that grip to slam Smith against the wall. The same way Magnum had done to him a few weeks ago.