Since this was the last time, he had to make it count for Maddie, too. Even though she wasn’t aware that this couldn’t happen again.
Not one to normally say no to free pussy, in this case, Romeo would have no choice. That fucking sucked but it was better than falling down some damn rabbit hole and not being able to escape. This was the first time in his thirty-four years on this fucking planet that he worried about that happening.
Again, his thoughts being pulled in a direction he wanted to avoid forced him back to the matter at hand…
The woman under him.
The woman he was plunging in and out of.
The woman whose little noises and hot, slick pussy were driving him to the point of no return. He was barely skirting that edge, so she needed to come soon before she didn’t get to fucking come at all.
Thank fuck it turned out that he wasn’t the only one about to bust. Her nails raked down his back so hard and deep that, for a second, he worried about his ink getting fucked up. Her legs squeezed him even tighter, and she began meeting him thrust for thrust.
When she grabbed his ass and tried to pull him even deeper, he felt it… The small pulses growing more intense and coming faster. Her pussy squeezing him and getting even slicker.
Jesus, that wasn’t helping him keep his shit together, but the fuck if he was stopping.
No fucking way.
Once again, he told himself that since this was the last damn time, he needed to make it worth it. For her. For himself.
Thiswasthe last damn time, he swore it. He needed to stick to his fucking guns. If anyone had the goddamn willpower to do that, it was him.
“Fuck, woman,” he groaned, hanging on only by a quickly unraveling thread. “Come, goddamnit.”
“I don’t want to,” she moaned back.
“Why fuckin’ not?” She was going to kill him.
“It’s… It feels… so damn good.”
One side of his mouth pulled up, but only for a second before he pinned his lips together and carried on. Instead ofpumping into her, he changed tactics. He began to roll his hips and grind deep, while jamming his hand between them to thumb her clit. He also tightened his grip on her neck so he could feel her throat working beneath his fingers.
He did his best to ignore his name and focus on the end game… making her come.
He closed his eyes because he couldn’t watch her face twist in pleasure. Pleasurehewas giving her.
Wait.Maybe it wasn’t pleasure. Was something wrong?
He lifted one eyelid to check.Oh, fuck no.Nothing was wrong, everything was right.
Like him, she was only losing her mind. In the best way possible.
He continued to circle both his hips and her clit until…
Thank fuckin’ fuck.
The second the ripples turned to a full-blown orgasm, he chased her down that path and they both arrived at their final destination only seconds apart.
That was far too close for his liking. He had a reputation to protect. Not only being a lover of the ladies but being good in bed. Coming before Maddie would have fucked that up.
Happy that he was still king, he released her throat and replaced his hand with his face instead. It remained buried in her neck until his breathing slowed a bit and his dick began to soften. When it did, he quickly secured the wrap at the base and reluctantly slipped from her.