Page 106 of Romeo

She paused at the top. She paused at the bottom.

Somewhere along the way, he lost the little bit of sanity he normally clung to. Because she was driving him crazy.

Not that he gave a shit because it was worth it.

The only problem he had was, he wasn’t sure where to focus. On her expression? Her tits bouncing wildly? His dick disappearing and reappearing over and over as she turned back into that drunk wannabe rodeo queen?

She became so damn soaked, her arousal began to drip down his dick and gather at the base.

Watching her made him lose his damn breath. Watching her made his chest ache. Watching her made him question his life’s fucking choices.

All of them.

Hold the fuck on… What?

Yeah, he was losing his shit, and it was all her fault.

Did she have some magical pussy or something?

That had to be it. She put some bullshit spell on him.

He was pulled from his whacked thoughts when she dug her nails so deeply into his chest, he swore she drew blood.

He didn’t give a fuck about that, either.

Since her pussy was pulsing around his dick, she had to be close to coming.

Then she threw her head back and slammed down on him, grinding him even deeper as the ripples of an orgasm squeezed and released him to the point he almost shot his load right then and there.

He clenched his teeth to keep his shit together since it was too soon to finish. He wanted more of what she was willing to give.

With a long moan, she collapsed on his chest, her heavy breathing rapid and her thumb trailing back and forth over his nipple.

It was time to take over.

Chapter Twenty-Six

After wrappingan arm behind her back and while still buried deep inside her, he flipped her over and stared down into her hooded brown eyes. “Now…Youready?”

A smile spread across her relaxed face.

He was about to change that.

Driving his knees deeper into the mattress, he drove his dick home.

His brain glitched.Fuck me,her pussydidfeel like home.

He ignored the invisible, ice-cold fingers strolling down his spine.

Of course, good sex normally left him feeling satisfied, but this was different. A strange itch he refused to scratch below the surface.

For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t get caught up in her. He had a name to live up to. A lifestyle to maintain. Maddie was a threat to all of that.

He’d seen some of his brothers—even fellow brothers with the Dirty Angels or the Blood Fury—fall victim to love, then go from an endless selection of pussy to being stuck withonly one. While they seemed happy, even content, Romeo figured it had to be all smoke and mirrors. Being with only one woman for the rest of his life sounded like fucking torture.

He also didn’t want to deal with any ol’ lady drama of him having side bitches to get his variety fix.Most women didn’t like it when they were loyal, and their man was not.
