Page 73 of Romeo

“Where you gotta go?”


“What’s there?”

She frowned at this unexpected line of questioning, scooted off the bed and to her feet. “My bed.” She grabbed her clothes and began pulling them on.


She raised her eyes to him. “Yeah?”

He was staring a little too hard at her. “Lookin’ goddamn fine, woman.”

“There’s been some changes since the last time you saw me naked.” She didn’t like all of them, but there was only so much she could do.

“Nothin’ wrong with that. No man in his right mind wants to gnaw on a fuckin’ bone without any meat.”

“Dogs do.”

“Ain’t a dog.”

She went back to pulling on her pants. “I’m not sure you can say that.”

“And that’s a problem.”

It wasn’t a question, but she answered it anyway as she slipped her feet into her shoes. “Not for me, it isn’t.” When she was done, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail, grabbed her baseball cap and slapped it back onto her head. “Well, it’s been fun.”

“That it?”

She glanced at where he stood naked with his hands on those awesome hips of his. His spent cock was still impressive. As well as tempting.

Time to go.

She could see him becoming a dangerous bear trap that she needed to avoid stepping into and getting caught. If that happened, she might have to gnaw off her own leg.

“Am I forgetting something?”

He sucked on his teeth and slowly shook his head. “No.”

With a nod, she headed toward the steps, took her time carefully climbing down them and walked out the door.

She did not backtrack through Dirty Dick’s since she didn’t want to draw any attention. Instead, she skirted the exterior of the bar and headed back to her Highlander.

During the drive home, she realized, as she hoped, Romeo had helped her forget all about her asshole boss.

At least for a little while. Unfortunately, morning was right around the corner. And with it, another day at Smith’s Sports Therapy & Rehab Center.

Chapter Eighteen

Romeo sat backand slowly stroked his beard as he contemplated his fellow Knights joining him around the long table where the president’s gavel sat only a couple of inches from his left hand.

His nostrils flared as he pulled in an irritated breath. He wouldn’t be surprised if he started grinding his teeth, too.

But here they were.

His gaze bounced over his executive committee. From Bishop, his VP, sitting to his right, to Sigh the club secretary, to their treasurer Cue, Cisco the road captain, and he finished with Magnum, sitting at his left.

The only Knight with an official title not in attendance was Sully because their chaplain didn’t get a vote. Or get to make decisions. They only had a club chaplain because Sully asked for the title a long time ago after becoming an ordained minister. The previous president granted his request, and it was no skin off Romeo’s nose for the long-time member to keep it.