Page 53 of Romeo

She came here to get her mind off work. And Roger.

If a combination of sex and pot was what it took, then… When in Rome…

She took the rolled joint from him and tentatively took a hit. When it reached her lungs, she began to hack.

A deep chuckle came from the man sitting next to her. He plucked the joint from her fingers, taking another long drag on it.

She wrinkled her nose and rubbed her chest since her lungs were still on fire.

“You smoke weed before?”

“A few times, but not regularly. I’m assuming that’s not the case with you.”

He held the joint out to her again and shook his head. “Nope. Helps keep my temper in check.”

“You have a temper?” That was surprising. She was used to Trip’s hair trigger temper but wasn’t aware of Romeo’s.

“Got no patience for bullshit.”

She took the hand-rolled joint from him. “That makes two of us.” After taking another hit—definitely not as long as Romeo’s—she did her best to keep the smoke in her lungs for a few seconds without coughing before blowing it up and away from them.

The burn wasn’t so bad the second time.

Even better, it was starting to work its magic. The ball of stress in her chest was beginning to unravel.

Maybe she didn’t need to have sex with Romeo. Maybe all she needed was to get stoned. Or at least buzzed.

After grabbing her beer off the floor where she’d left it, she scooted back and sank into the very comfortable couch with a sigh.

His body heat practically seared her where their thighs and arms pressed together, but she didn’t move away.

“When did you get your road name?”

He snorted. “When I was about sixteen.”

She bugged her eyes out at him. “Really? You were a dog as a teenager, too?”Figures.

His cocky grin made her pulse speed up and warmth swirl through her until it landed between her legs.

Her head knew he was trouble. Apparently, the rest of her didn’t care.

“Always loved the ladies.”

“But they don’t always love you,” she countered.

“Ain’t lookin’ for love.”

“No, just wet pussy, right?”

Holy shit, did that just come out of her mouth? She glanced at the blunt still in his thick fingers. It must be some good shit. But then, he probably had the right connections.

She took another swig of her beer in an attempt to douse the fire in her belly. She needed to keep her head about her.

Maybe smoking pot and drinking beer wasn’t the best idea to do that.

“Never promised shit to any of ‘em.”

“No, you only did a bunch of sweet talking, right?”