Page 52 of Romeo

“No toes to step on.”

After a quick glance over at him to make sure he didn’t appear to be lying, Maddie wandered from the small kitchen that was to the right of the side door to the open living space that took up the majority of the building. Or house. Whatever it was considered.

The structure had a ceiling two stories high with what looked like a loft. She could barely get a glimpse of a big bed up there. Under the loft on the main floor were shelves, closets, and a door to what was most likely a bathroom.

His place pretty much reminded her of a studio apartment and was about the size of one, too.

To her left and along the side wall was a very narrow,very steep stairway that led to where he slept. It wasn’t much more than a ladder on steroids, and she couldn’t imagine trying to climb up or down the steps while either drunk or exhausted.

That was a disaster waiting to happen.

“This place is… interesting.” Despite being small and basic, it was surprisingly nice inside. Super clean? No. But it wasn’t a pigsty, either.

She had no doubt since the sweet butts cooked for him, they also cleaned his place.

As well as did other things.

She knew how the whole club girl thing worked in an MC. She’d also witnessed them being used by members of the Fury more times than she’d like to admit.

After some of those incidents, the need to bleach her eyeballs was strong.

Those same eyeballs noticed that not much decorated the walls. And what did was more a generic decor and not at all personal. If she had walked in without him, she never would’ve guessed it was his place.

That was a bit strange to her since as soon as she moved into her current apartment, she couldn’t wait to make that space her own. To turn it into her home. To put up pictures of her family and some of Jude’s drawings. To decorate it as she pleased.

“It’s a place to lay my fuckin’ head and get some privacy. That’s about it. Don’t need to be fancy.”

She turned. “No, it doesn’t.” She tipped the bottle to her lips and the cool liquid slid down her throat. She needed the beer to take off the edge because right now she was a ball of nerves.

If he broke out a joint, she might even take a hit, even though she normally didn’t smoke, pot or otherwise.

Of course, the second she thought it, he pulled what looked like a fatty as well as a lighter out of his leather cut’s inner pocket. He tossed both onto the low table in front of the couch, shrugged out of his colors and hung the worn vest on a hook next to the door. He probably never walked out of his place not representing the Knights.

That was typical MC behavior. She rarely saw anyone in the Fury not wearing theirs unless they had a good reason. Shade for sure, because he usually removed his cut as soon as he entered the house.

With a tip of his head toward the couch, he scooped up the joint and lighter as he rounded the table. Then he dropped his big body onto the couch.

She was really surprised Romeo wasn’t immediately dragging her upstairs to his bed. He acted as if he was in no rush to have sex. Like the two of them normally hung out together. As if they were best buds.

Was it that obvious that she was a bit wired, and he thought the weed would help?

He patted the seat next to him. “C’mere.” He lifted the joint. “This’ll take the edge off quicker than beer. And I want you fuckin’ sober.”

She pretended to misunderstand. “Sober for what?”

“For what you came here for.”

As she headed over to the couch—and him—she asked, “What did I come here for?”

“We playin’ dumb now? Or you just fuckin’ with me?”

She sat next to him but, unlike him, she perched on the edge. “I wouldn’t have come at all if I was fucking with you, Rome.”

He tucked the blunt between his lips and lit the rolled tip. He took a few quick puffs until the end burned steadily,then took a long pull. While he held the smoke deep down in his lungs, he offered it to her.

She stared at it a few seconds, debating whether she should or shouldn’t.

Fuck it.