Page 35 of Romeo

Mmm hmm.“Can you please explain how I’d be winning?”

“Get to spend time with me and everythin’ that goes along with that.”

She shook her head. “Man, Rome, you’re really full of yourself.”

“Can fill you up, too.”

She groaned. “Seriously?” Did women normally fall for that type of talk? She guessed she had in the past but then, atthe time, she was only twenty-two. She was a lot more experienced now.

He laughed. “Yeah.”

“If a bet is required, I don’t want to play. Find another sucker.”

As she began to step away from the table, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop. “Just fuckin’ with you.”

Sure he was.

“We don’t gotta bet. Take the shot.”

They stared at each other for a little too long. Neither wanting to be the first to break eye contact.

Finally, Romeo murmured, “Take your shot, Maddie.”

A shiver shimmied down her spine.

Why the hell did he affect her so much and, worse, with a simple statement?

“Just for fun,” she confirmed.

“Always for fun.”

After she got into position and was concentrating on where to hit the cue ball to make sure her shot wasn’t a complete dud, his heat wrapped around her seconds before his big body did.

She wasn’t very petite, but Romeo was much thicker and taller than her. When he placed his hands over hers, the contrast of their size difference and skin tone was startling. Her much smaller hands, her unmarked skin versus his tattooed arms, the rich darkness of his skin over her own pale coloring…

It did make her aware that she needed to get out in the sun a bit so she wasn’t the same shade as a damn corpse. But to do that, she needed to not work so many hours.

Once again, that brought her back to her cheapskate boss and how understaffed they were at work. And the whole reason why she had come to The Iron Horse tonight.

To forget her problems. Or one problem in particular.

“Why so tense?” He seemed a bit offended.

She explained it away with, “Long day.”

Luckily, he accepted that and didn’t push. “Anytime you need pointers on pool, come to Dick’s. I can teach you how to handle balls better than that kid. He’s still wet behind the ears,” he murmured in her ear.

Another shiver slipped down her spine and caused goosebumps to break out all over her.

With his chest pressed to her back and his crotch to her ass, he caged her in by placing his hands on top of hers, all in the guise of helping to guide her shot.

“He’s just a friend.”Damn, why did she sound so out of breath?

Why the hell did he affect her like this? Was it because it brought back the memories of their one and only night together?

Was it she who wanted the repeat?

No. That would be stupid and another mistake since these bikers tended to get possessive if you weren’t a sweet butt or some random. They might not want a relationship, but they didn’t want you wanting anyone else, either. You were only supposed to have eyes for them while their eyes landed on anyone with tits and ass.