Coop laughed and walked away.
“I’m in good company,” Coop threw over his shoulder.
After grabbing the two bottles, Romeo hauled his ass off the stool and across the bar toward the pool tables.
He couldn’t believe Maddie hadn’t noticed him yet. The bar wasn’t that damn busy. He had no fucking clue how she didn’t notice a six-foot-one, handsome-as-fuck Black man wearing a Knights cut in a sea of white folk.
Maybe LZ’s flirting was working, and she didn’t have eyes for anyone else.
Romeo was about to change that.
“I’m up next,” he announced as he reached the table, then greeted his competition, ignoring Maddie for the moment. He’d get to her in a minute. “LZ.”
They clasped hands and bumped shoulders.
“What are you doin’ here?” LZ asked. “Dad know you’re here?”
Romeo pulled his chin into his neck. “I need to clear it with him first?”
LZ took a long drag on his cigarette. “No, just figured you two mighta had a meetin’ or somethin’.” He tipped his head back and blew the smoke up toward the ceiling.
“Nope. Here for pure pleasure.” Romeo made sure to look at Maddie when he said that.
LZ’s eyes narrowed on him, as did Maddie’s. “What kinda pleasure you findin’ at The Iron Horse that you can’t find at Dick’s?”
“Ain’t I allowed to enjoy a beer?”
“Sure. Dick’s got beer, too.”
What the fuck.Between Zeke and Coop, he wasn’t feeling very welcomed.
“You’re double-fistin’ beers, brother. Must be really fuckin’ thirsty.” LZ once again tucked his cigarette between his lips, moved down the table and took his next shot, cleanly sinking the pool ball into a side pocket.
“Both ain’t for me.” Romeo placed the second bottle on the table’s rail in front of Maddie and tipped his head toward it. “That’s for you.”
“You didn’t have to do that?—”
“Wanted to.”
“Since I don’t pay for my drinks here,” she finished.
What the fuck?
LZ chuckled around his cigarette and moved to take his next shot.
Romeo shook his head when he glanced over to the bar to catch Coop wearing a cocky grin.
Maddie rolled her lips inward and the corners of her eyes crinkled. “But thank you for bringing it over to me. That’s very kind of you, Rome.”
“He ain’t bein’ kind, Maddie. Don’t fall for his bullshit.” LZ completed his next shot successfully and when he straightened, he gave Romeo a cheesy grin. “You know he sniffs after anyone with tits.”