Page 30 of Romeo

Since she saw him naked one night in an RV, he’d say she knew him. “Knows who I am.”

“That means you know who her stepdaddy is, right?”

“Coop,” Romeo growled, “mind your own fuckin’ biz. Also, don’t need a goddamn quiz.”

“Just tryin’ to make sure you don’t fuck up and end up dead.”

“Ain’t gonna end up dead. Now, can you fuckin’ stop jawin’ in my ear? Will let you know when I need another fuckin’ beer.”

What the fuck was with him rhyming? Coop must’ve caught it too because he chuckled before rapping his knuckles on the bar and sauntering away.

About fucking time. Now he could focus, without distractions, on the reason he was at The Iron Horse. He certainly wasn’t there for the beer since he could drink himself under the table for free in his own bar.

His jaw tightened when he saw how LZ and Maddie interacted with each other. Like they knew each other pretty damn well. Laughing, grinning, smiling. They stood close a few times and talked quietly. Zeke would lean in even closer to give her pointers on her next shot… By putting a hand on her back, hip or arm, or whispering shit in her ear…

Romeo pulled a breath in through his flared nostrils.

Zeke was definitely working her by flirting, joking, touching…

Was she falling for his play?

Either way, Maddie must not have a problem with smoking since LZ had a lit cigarette dangling from betweenhis lips. Seeing that surprised Romeo since he assumed Zeke’s generation all vaped instead of smoked.

Guess not.

But then, he wasn’t up with the newest shit. If he was going to smoke—weed or otherwise—he would do it like a real man, not some punk sucking on some bullshit battery-operated pen. Or whatever the fuck it was. He didn’t give a shit because he was never using one. He’d be laughed right out of the president’s spot.

If he saw one of their prospects or younger members using one, he would rip it right out of their fucking mouth and smash it under his boot heel. They should put it in the bylaws outlawing that bullshit.

He sighed. He just distracted his own damn self over something stupid.

Back to the subject at hand…

And that hand was LZ’s touching Maddie when it should be Romeo’s, instead.

Time to make himself known. Otherwise, if LZ was successful in luring Maddie upstairs to his room in the Angels’ church—conveniently attached to the back of The Iron Horse—Romeo might lose his shit.

If he even saw the two of them heading that way, he’d step in. Of course, that could cause an issue between the two clubs. So, to keep the peace, he needed to be on the offensive, not defensive.

“Coop!” he called down the bar, still keeping his eyes glued to Maddie’s ass as she bent over and lined up her next shot. He wasn’t the only one staring at it. Only LZ could get a much better look from where he leaned nearby on his cue stick.

For fuck’s sake.

Do not fuckin’ introduce your fist to the DAMC president’s kid’s face.

“Don’t gotta fuckin’ shout. Only two fuckin’ feet away. Guess you’re distracted.”

Romeo ignored the amusement in the Angel’s tone. “Get me whatever she’s drinkin’. Get me a fresh one, too.”

Coop’s lips twitched. “You payin’?”

Romeo sighed, jerked his chain wallet back out and pulled out a twenty. When he tossed it at the other biker, it fluttered to the bar.

Coop snatched it up, “That should cover both beers and my tip,” and headed down the bar.

Romeo turned back around to make sure Maddie hadn’t left with LZ when he hadn’t been paying attention.

Not even two minutes later, Coop dropped off two fresh beers.