She thought of herself as a good person, always wanting to help others. To stay true to herself, she really should discourage him from exacting revenge on her former boss. But,damn it, deep down, the thought of Roger getting taught a valuable lesson gave her some satisfaction.
Maybe living amongst badass bikers had rubbed off on her and made her more cutthroat than what she should be. Or maybe it was simply the fact that Roger Smith deserved everything he had coming his way.
A big ol’ slice of karma served by her future ol’ man.
Hearing him demand, “Sit on my face,” pulled her from her thoughts about that asshole.
Fuck Roger Smith.
The only man she should be thinking about right now was the one whose face she was about to sit on.
They might not have figured everything out yet between them and she knew their relationship wouldn’t be easy, but in the end, she was confident it would be worth it.
Chapter Forty-Three
“She know where you’re at?”Shade asked him.
“Fuck no.”
“Gonna tell her?”
“Fuck no,” Romeo repeated.
Shade nodded. “This is one time I ain’t gonna care that you’re keepin’ her in the dark.”
“Glad to get your approval,” he said dryly. “Bet you ain’t tellin’ your ol’ lady, either.” When Shade didn’t respond, Romeo followed up with, “Thought so. Just like Chelle don’t know you had me strapped down in front of a dead dog oven.”
“Always gonna be secrets you take to your grave,” Shade said matter-of-factly.
Romeo would bet his fucking balls that Shade had plenty of those.
It had taken over two months to get to the point where his bruises had faded, his broken bones healed, and his casts removed.
His life was pretty much back to normal. His new normal, anyway.
The one where Maddie now lived with him in his place. At least until he could find something bigger and better. A place where she wouldn’t bitch every time she climbed up and down the steep stairs—what she called a glorified ladder—to their bed.
She also had a permanent seat on the back of his sled. She was the first and would be the last woman to ever sit there.
Despite them settling into their relationship, she was stressed because she still hadn’t been offered one fucking interview.
He hated seeing her like that.
Except for the part where he volunteered to help relieve some of her stress.
One side of his mouth pulled up.
“There he is.” Shade’s head was turned as he stared out of the passenger-side window.
Romeo squinted, trying to make out the man on the move. “You sure that’s him?”
“You fuckin’ tell me. You’ve seen the motherfucker in person. Not me.”
But Romeo had texted Shade enough pictures of Roger Smith that the long-haired Fury member should recognize Maddie’s former asshole boss.
Shade now also knew everything that Smith had done to her, making him even more motivated to pair with Romeo to deal with the motherfucker. They both agreed to keep it on the down-low from their clubs since this retribution was purely personal.
Magnum didn’t need to know what they were doing. Neither did Judge or Trip.