Page 168 of Romeo

Did she even love him?

Did he love her?

She wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone who loved and cherished her. Supported her decisions.

She didn’t want a man forced to be with her. She was damn sure if Romeo had to pick one woman to spend the rest of his life with, he’d want it to be one of his own choosing. Anyone else would be a recipe for disaster and not a good one for a solid relationship.

She worried she’d never be able to trust him one hundred percent. If he had to head out at an odd hour or if he came home late, would she always be wondering where he went, who he was with?

There was so much she needed to think about. So much for them to talk through.

When she moved out of her apartment and back home,she didn’t ever want to see or talk to him again. She had tried to push him out of her mind and her heart.

Was she successful? Hell no, but she knew with enough time and distance her feelings toward him would eventually fade away.

As long as she didn’t see him, hear him, touch him, kiss him…

Have sex with him.

She groaned when her gut began to burn, and her heart started to ache at the thought of never doing any of that with him again.

She tried to resist. She truly did. She told herself time and time again, what she had with him was only sex. Only physical.

Emotions weren’t involved.

At first, she also thought their encounters would only happen a couple of times. But two turned into four, then into eight and sixteen before she lost count.

During all those times, she refused to admit it wasn’t just sex. That Romeo wasn’t simply some horny dog. That she wasn’t only using him as an escape from her stressful job and bully boss.

Before she knew it, she began to look forward to seeing him, hearing him, touching him, kissing him…

Fucking him.

But all of that was the polar opposite of being someone’s ol’ lady. Being permanent fixtures in each other’s lives.

Living a life together.


Could she wake up next to him every day?

Could she watch sweet butts, and random women hang all over him, trying to tempt him? Because she knew that was a reality.

She’d seen it.

On the other hand, she’d also seen Trip nip that shit in the bud quickly. Zak, the DAMC president, also did the same. No one questioned how loyal those two presidents were to their wives.

But how many would look her way and feel sorry for her for being stuck with a man not known for keeping his dick in his pants?

Would there be whispers?

Would distrust and rumors eventually force a wedge between them?

She blew out a breath, trying to settle her stomach, trying to rein in her thoughts.

She was only twenty-seven. She had plenty of time to find someone to fall in love with. To have children with. Someone responsible. Someone who was good husband and father material…

The sound of thumps had her lifting her head and glancing toward the stairway leading to the second floor. Romeo was slowly and carefully making his way back down.