With her heart pounding in her throat, she was beginning to believe this really was some sort of trap.
She should go. But before she did, she found Sig’s original phone number and called him. It went straight to voicemail. She texted him next just to be sure that losing his cell phone was true.
After climbing back into her Toyota, she locked the doors while waiting to see if she got a response and stared at the motel door to see if he would appear.
When the door opened, her breath seized.
When a man stepped out, her heart skipped a beat.
That was not Sig.
Not unless he changed his race, grew a longer beard, and gained fifty pounds.
What the hell?
Itwasa trap! One set up by Romeo.
Son of a bitch!Now her pulse was racing for a different reason. If she was smart, it was one she needed to ignore.
Her brain told her the man was trouble. Her heart told her it didn’t matter.
The heart wanted what the heart wanted, right?
She needed her common sense to be stronger than her desire.
When Romeo hobbled a few steps out of the motel room using a crutch, she noticed he had casts on both his left arm and right leg. Pressing fingers to her lips, she whispered, “Holy shit.”
What the hell happened? Did he crash his sled?
He stopped where the concrete sidewalk met the macadam parking lot and waited.
She remained frozen in her seat as a flurry of emotions barreled through her.
Shut up, heart!
She should leave. The injured man waiting for her blew up her career and not in a good way. A career that required years of education so she could work hard at it for a year and a half while putting up with a bully boss. It only took Romeo having “a word” with Roger for him to destroy that career in minutes.
Romeo thought he knew better than her.
He didn’t listen and leave it alone like she asked.
Despite her annoyance, she gritted her teeth and climbed back out of her vehicle to approach him as his dark eyes tracked her every step.
She stopped directly in front of him and raised her chin. “You tricked me.”