Page 139 of Romeo

Magnum cocked an eyebrow. “Did that ‘word’ also include hands?”

“For a second.” Or two.

Magnum dropped his head to stare at his boots for a moment while grinding his palm back and forth along the back of his neck. “So, you threatened her boss,” he concluded once he looked at Romeo again.

Was his jaw popping? Because it sure as fuck looked like his jaw was popping.

That usually wasn’t a good sign.

“Not quite. Just gave him a coupla suggestions.”

“Wanna tell me what those suggestions were?”

“One was stop bein’ a dick to his employees…”


“And to put in a good word for Maddie with one of the teams so she could get her dream job.”

“Why the fuck would he do that?”

“‘Cause he got connections with the teams in the area. That’s the only fuckin’ reason she continued to put up with his bullshit and wouldn’t quit.”

“You fucked that up for her.”

Since that wasn’t formed as a question, Romeo should beoffended. But, unfortunately, it was true. “Could say that since he fired her.”

“Then sent some goons to visit you.”

“Think so.”

“For fuck’s sake!” Magnum barked. “Shoulda left her alone. Shoulda stayed outta it. Shoulda listened to someone older and wiser than you.”

“Your opinion.”

“A damn good one. One fuckin’ day you’re gonna realize that you should take my opinions seriously.”

One day soon the big man would no longer be the club’s sergeant at arms and his opinion wouldn’t mean dick.

“So, what did chasin’ that pussy get you?” Magnum raised a finger as he counted off. “Risked our alliance.” He lifted a second finger. “Got the woman fired.” A third one rose. “Mighta fucked up her dream.” He dropped two of them but left his middle finger up. “Got your ass beat to fuck.”

“That about sums it up,” Romeo muttered. He reached for his water again but struggled to grab it. The fuck if he was asking for Magnum’s help. He’d die of thirst first.

“In case you forgot, my fuckin’ job’s to protect our club and our brothers. Make that shit difficult when you do the fuckin’ opposite of what I tell you. Told you she was a bad idea. Also told you, if you wanted a piece of her, to do it the right way. Always think you can be slick, Rome. That you can fly under the radar. This proves you ain’t good at it.”

“Gonna admit my life choices ain’t always the best?—”

A phone ringing in Magnum’s cut had the big man pulling it out and glancing at the screen. With one last pointed look at Romeo, the Knights’ enforcer stabbed at the screen and put it to his ear. “Yeah.”

The longer he listened to the caller, the more his faceturned to concrete. When he turned away, Romeo began to worry.

Something was up and he was damn sure it had to do with him.

“For fuck’s sake… Ain’t that some fuckin’ shit… Not sure… Gonna have to think about it and get back to you… You’re right. Ain’t good news but gonna have to deal with it one way or another... Thanks, brother, owe you one.”

Magnum tucked his phone away, turned, set his hands on his hips, and stared at Romeo.

“That call have to do with me?”