Page 127 of Romeo

She paused and realized he was talking about the songI Need a Doctorplaying in the background in the bar. She always thought it was an Eminem song.Huh.

She groaned. That was neither here nor there at this moment. “Where are you?”

“A few yards behind you.”

Chapter Thirty-One

He had just pulledinto Dick’s lot on his sled when he spotted her Highlander. It was hard to miss at this hour in the morning when their customers were few and far between. His ringing phone displayed Maddie’s number.

Apparently, she wanted a word with him.

Once he answered and entered Dick’s, he spotted her standing near Sigh. When he was within a few feet, she spun with the phone still glued to her ear.

His gut twisted when her eyes narrowed on him.

Something was wrong if she was here this early. She should be at work?—

Fuckin’ fuck.

“Want a beer, brother?” Amusement colored Sigh’s tone. “Or maybe a helmet and one of those plastic cups to protect your nuts?”

Ignoring his brother, Romeo snagged Maddie’s elbow in a firm grip, causing her to lurch forward and her phone to be dislodged from her ear.

“Let me go,” she hissed like a pissed offcat.

“Once we’re in private,” he ground out through clenched teeth. “Let’s go.”

“Why? You don’t want to have this discussion in the middle of your bar?”

“No idea why you’re here.” Even though he had a damn good guess. “But whatever it is ain’t anyone’s business,” he finished on a mutter.

Clearly, the woman was pissed. Not only pissed, he could see her eyes were red and puffy, like she’d been crying.

Of fuckin’ course.He was hoping he was wrong, and she was here about something else, but his gut was telling him differently. Trying to help her out last night was about to bite him in the fucking ass. Not a sexy bite, either. This one was going to leave a scar.

He didn’t need to wonder how much damage he did because he was damn sure he was about to find out. Only, not in Dick’s. Not in front of his brothers, any sweet butts or the couple of early customers sitting at the bar. Of course, the few sets of eyes in the establishment were already turned their way.

“In your cage? Or my place?” he suggested.

“You sure you don’t want to have this discussion right here?” She stabbed her finger toward the floor.

He lowered his voice. “Better we don’t. C’mon. Let’s go out back.”

When he steered her toward Dick’s kitchen, Sigh yelled out, “Should I send a rescue team if you don’t return in a half hour?”

“Gimme ten,” Romeo told him.

“He won’t need ten,” Maddie assured Sigh. “This will be quick.”

That could be good. Could be bad. He steeled himself for the latter.

Since it was too early for the kitchen to be open, it was quiet as they worked their way through and headed back outside. It was better out there than inside since less eyes and ears would be on them.

As soon as they stood behind the building, he asked, “What’s goin’ on?”

“What’s going on?” Her shrill voice made him grimace. “What did you do, Romeo?”

He pressed his lips together.