Page 119 of Romeo

Roger scowled across the desk at her. “It’s your quarterly employee evaluation.”

It was? She had lost track. Not that it mattered. He’d find some reason not to give her a raise, even if it was for only a measly five cents an hour. Though, if shewasgoing to get a raise, he’d give her something like that simply out of spite.

Actually, she was surprised that Roger didn’t charge his employees simply for the “privilege” of working at his business.

Narcissistic asshole.

“Has it really been a whole three months since the last one? Time flies when you love your job,” she lied. She brushed a finger across her nose to make sure it hadn’t grown.

As Roger went over her employee evaluation scores, she wasn’t surprised at what they were. She also wasn’t surprised that she didn’t get a raise, but at least today he wasn’t docking her pay with some bullshit excuse.

When her cell phone vibrated with an incoming text, she dipped her head and peeked at it, trying not to be obvious that she wasn’t paying attention to the man on the other side of the desk.

Instead, she was paying attention to the man who sent the text.

Dinner and dick?

Well, look at that, she suddenly had a hankering for crispy waffle fries…

A five-minute foot massage…

And a Dark Knight to deliver all of that and more.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Someone needed a fucking attitude adjustment.

While in one way, Maddie hating her job kept driving her into his bed. In another, he saw her bottling up all that shit and that made him want to drive his fist into her boss’s throat.

Romeo wanted to see that fucker on his knees gasping for air. Even better, begging for mercy. And not the Shadow named Mercy because if he got on that man’s bad side, Roger Smith would both shit and piss in his panties at the same time.

Truthfully, Romeo didn’t know who he’d rather meet in a dark alley: a pissed off Shade or Mercy.

Neither, if he had to choose.

While Magnum was a badass—even at his age—he most likely wouldn’t slice you open from nuts to throat and then climb into your carcass to use you as a coat.

“Fuck,” Romeo whispered, thinking about how savage both men could be.

Of course, they always had a valid reason to do what they did. Romeo made sure not to give either man a reason.


His brain glitched when he wondered if doing Shade’s stepdaughter without his knowledge would really trigger a response like that.

Would fucking Maddie be a death sentence? Magnum believed it would, but Romeo had no clue how Shade’s twisted mind actually worked.

As for Smith, he only wanted to crush the man’s windpipe until the asshole learned a lesson on how to treat his damn employees. Even though Romeo only cared about one in particular.

The one who came to his place very tense—now on a regular basis—and, after Romeo’s type of therapy, left very fucking relaxed. He was tasked with undoing any damage Smith caused Maddie.

Every time she had shown up in the last few weeks, she arrived earlier and stayed later. While that meant more sex with her, it also meant more shared meals and words.

Crazy enough, while not his normal routine when it came to women, he had actually begun to look forward to it.

His grin was quickly wiped from his face when he spotted movement out of the corner of his right eye.

Just the man he’d been waiting for.