She shot him a skeptical look. “Are you lying?”
“No fuckin’ need to lie.”
“If we get there and I get frozen chicken fingers and unseasoned tater tots, I’m writing a one-star review,” she warned.
His lips quirked. “Dick’s ain’t ever gonna recover if you do.”
Maddie doubted that any bad rating the biker bar received would do any damage. Bikers went there to drink, not for the ambiance or gourmet meals. If their guts started growling, she was sure peanuts, hot wings and a cold beer solved that issue.
She eyed up his sweet Harley. “Do I get to ride on your sled?”
If she hadn’t been watching him carefully, she would’ve missed his nostrils flaring just slightly and his body tense.
Oooh.Did he never haul a woman around on the back of his bike?Did he think doing so might mean some kind of commitment?Interesting.
His seat was big enough for a passenger. Not all bikes had that. She was surprised Romeo’s did since he was determined to remain a bachelor.
“Not a good idea to keep your cage here.”
Her eyebrows shot up in feigned surprise. “It’s not? It’s not a bad area.”
“Dontcha wanna be able to smash and dash?”
Huh.Reverse psychology. He was really using his head. The bald one between his shoulders. “That’s your specialty.”
“Coulda fooled me.” When she opened her mouth again, his twisted. “Done jawin’. You comin’ or not?”
“I would hope so. You haven’t failed me yet.”
He didn’t roll his eyes, but she was sure it was damn close. “Woman…”
She grinned and whacked him in the gut with the back of her hand. “Okay, my stomach’s growling.”
A cell phone appeared in his hand, and he tapped away at the screen.
“Are you looking for another date already?
He shook his head and continued to type. “Makin’ sure they got chicken for your sandwich and waffle fries.”
“Seasoned waffle fries.”
He finally glanced up. “Seasoned waffle fries.”
“And if they don’t?”
“Then their asses better find some before we get there.”
“Are you a dick boss like Roger?”
“Should I ask your kitchen staff when we get there?”
“Nope. But I ain’t their boss. Magnum is.” A scowl twisted his lips. “Or is supposed to be.”
“As president aren’t you everyone’s boss?”
He grunted.