Page 78 of A Rising Hope

The enemy horns sounded, but their call broke mid beat as elvish magic stifled them.

I wasn’t sure how Finn did it.

But the elves had come to our rescue.

After a thousand years . . . elves fought on the same side as Destroyers.

And we lived.



“Imust say, this is quite the turn of events.” The Queen’s vile snicker made my skin itch. She stepped out of the shadows. “Here I was just thinking I needed a way to break these shields, and you show up to help. There is truly no kinder soul.” She gave me a nod, as if thanking me for my generosity.

“Where is he?” I kept my voice calm, but let my eyes convey a silent warning to her.

“Oh, he is rotting somewhere, I am sure.” The Queen waved me off. Her eyes scanned me from head to toe, scrutinizing me. Though she didn’t mention it, I knew she felt it too, the foreign power within me. “What an odd love match you two are. He sacrifices himself to keep me away from you, and you waste it all by showing up,” she cackled. “I must say, I am entertained. It is not often you come across fools blinded by such love. It’s rather admirable. To die for love. Romantic even.”

Priya scoffed, unbothered.

“And who is this?” The Queen turned to her. “Have you brought me a gift to trade?” She assessed Priya with the same vile look. “I am touched, but I have no need for Truth Tellers. In fact, I have no need for any of you now. I’ve got everything I needright here.” Insanaria snapped her fingers, and a few droplets of blood floated above her hand. Her face strained, but she wielded the drops to hover in the air.

My brows lifted, recognizing Gideon’s magic. The taste in my mouth turned sour.

“Ah, what a pleasant feeling it is. After all these years, triumph, success . . . ” The Queen drawled, “I am almost saddened you will never experience that feeling of victory.”

So, are we killing this bitch or what, Freckles?Priya’s voice knocked in my head as she nudged me.

Do you sense him?I threw a thought back.

Freckles . . .

Is he alive, Priya?

My powers can’t find him.She didn’t lie. I appreciated it, but my chest pierced with a shooting ache.

I tried to keep my heart still, but it only drummed louder, eager to get out, to race, to run and find him. Dead, alive, I didn’t care. I needed to find him.

“I must say I hadn’t planned to have an audience, but perhaps it’s for the best to have someone witness my ascension. To witness the precise moment that I become a god.”

“Ugh, for fuck’s sake,” Priya snarled near me. And two things happened at once.

Her poisonous daggers flew towards the Queen.

“Hmm.” The Queen’s shadows caught the daggers only an inch away from her face. She waved her pointer finger and the daggers turned in the air, now pointed at Priya. “What a nuisance you have become.” She rolled her eyes. “Two is a crowd, anyway.” The Queen smirked, letting the blades fly at Priya as shadows swirled near her feet, ready to drag her body away from mine.

“No,” I objected. At first, my voice was quiet, thoughts still lost in the depth of my soul as despair wrestled with hope. “No,”I repeated, this time direct and clear. My shields rose to their hottest degree. The daggers immediately melted against them.

The Queen turned to me, amused at my assertive stance.

“No?” her voice mocked me.

“No,” I replied in a firm tone. I met her stare, eye to eye. “You don’t get to hurt anyone anymore,” I uttered with as much conviction as I could summon.

“Oh?” The Queen’s eyes darkened as she narrowed in on me. “So theherofinally stands up to the villain.” She clapped dramatically. “I am so deeply touched.” The Queen took a long inhale, glancing at her surroundings as more shadows gathered like a midnight storm. Priya’s voice loudly knocked and yelled in my head, but I ignored her words. My eyes locked on the Queen, not blinking.

“Freckles. . . ” Priya warned, standing near me, her daggers drawn as she watched the whirlwinds of the inky black shadows closing in on the sky, swallowing the light little by little. She didn’t move, wouldn’t be able to, not with my fiery shield tight around her, keeping her in place.