Page 67 of A Rising Hope

I knew this day would surely come. Because for every Destroyer that supported Gideon, there were ten more that would never accept his rule.A bastard-born Destroyer, one that broke the True Order, one that stole the raw fire from a true Destroyer, an abomination, one that must be destroyed from existence. They feared him; they hated him. In their terribly stubborn Destroyer nature, they would never obey him.

And thus, they had to die.

Our army was silent. The rushing of adrenaline in our ears was the only noise we heard.

Orest didn’t say a word. Waiting.

I knew we were at a disadvantage. Exposed in the open field—an easy target with no cover to retreat to. Worn out after a day-long journey from another conquered town to here.

More arrows flew our way, this time closer, reaching our shields.

Minutes until the crash of metal and flesh would erupt. The last seconds of eerie silence in the army settled deep in our hearts.

But we didn’t move. Our archers, ready and loaded, didn’t waste a single arrow waiting for our command. There was no point in depleting our quivers for useless, empty threats of what was to come. Theatrics didn’t win wars.

No, our waves of burning arrows would be sent to their retreating armies, leaving no soul alive in our path. Our swords and our axes would meet them where their shields fell and their fire flickered.

I knew Orest was counting the banners that wavered high in the air near the tree line. A frown deepened on my face at the recognition of the familiar insignias.

“Deedrum’s and Usup’s battalions are here too,” I mumbled. Orest nodded. Though led by new generals, Hosam’s and Andrias’s armies were more experienced, they still carried the scars from the battles of the same war many years ago. Now ready to face a new generation of armies willing to fight for the freedom of those they’ve oppressed.

I swallowed hard, forcing my hands to stay still as I held on to my crescent blade. For many soldiers that stood behind me, this was their first major battle, no longer against simple humans but against strong, experienced Destroyers. This was no longer a training exercise. All the preparations. All the fights and battles we had won led us to this. The only path forward was through the army that was upon us.

Primal fear rushed the blood through my iced veins. Fear triggered every single hair on my body to rise, aware of what would come in just mere minutes.

There wouldn’t be negotiations here. There wouldn’t be treaties to sign, no conversations to have.

Fight and live.

Or surrender and die.

A part of me prayed to the gods high above.

A part of me cursed them all for the same reason.

Another loud horn sounded. Their archers would reform into a defending position now, providing support lest flanks break.

I wrapped the black chain around my wrist, securing my crescent blades. The sharpened metal thirsted for blood like a starved animal.

“It’s time,” I whispered to myself, and Orest gave me a slight nod. I didn’t dare to look him in the eyes, though a part of me wanted to say my truth, to whisper my goodbyes in the face of the uncertainty. But I held my head up, staring at the approaching enemy ahead. His gaze lingered on me, heavy and lethal. But he didn’t say a word.

The enemy army no longer marched now they charged towards us, their loud horns sounding the deadly commands. Their roaring screams tore through the disturbed summer day.

I silently counted.

Ten . . . Nine . . .My heart raced in my chest. My warhorse pawed the ground, eager to join the fight. But I held the reins tight.

Not yet.

Not a single soldier of ours moved.

Draw them out,my mind commanded, orders and strategies shaping in my head like a map broken into puzzle pieces. My thoughts worked hard assessing each corner, where each piece fit until the answer and solution would be ready. Until the full picture would be clear.

Hold the line. Pull their armies far away from the advantageous cover of the trees into the open field.

Five . . . Four . . .

“Today, we fight!” Orest shouted as the soldiers tensed near him. “We fight for freedom. We fight for the lives of those who were lost in this unjust rule. We fight for the True Order! We fight for light! We fight for truth!” His words ricocheted through the crowd, a deadly melody uniting us all in the same song. Heraised his sword high in the air. “And today, we fight till the very end.”