The first flicker of vibrant dawn painted the horizon. The meddling sunrays diluted the bright shimmer of the last stars.
A shadow from an old oak tree was cast over the Ten. It was odd to see them dressed so casually. Long gone were the armored leathers, and the fierce battle greasepaint. Now each one of them stood dressed in a long skirt and bodice. They could almost pass for typical village women, were it not for their fierce glares and their callused hands covered in scars.
Ashe pulled a cloak over her locks tied in a low bun. Motra adjusted the hidden blades below the layers of her skirts. Lulu twisted her corset stuffed with weapons. All of them settled deep in thought.
“Where is that fool?” Priya hissed, leaning against the tree. Her arms folded.
“Did you miss me ladies?” Casteol appeared out of nowhere, strolling towards us from behind three sets of trees farther in the old meadow. A step behind him, the big red cat swaggered in his step.
“Do you not know how to read the time?” Priya spat, emerging from the shade, her eyes sharp and already craving blood.
Florian nonchalantly picked a few bits of lint off his burgundy jacket, adjusting the crisp white shirt underneath.
“Sorry, I had to get my beauty sleep, and also these . . . ” Florian pulled something out of his pocket, tossing it at each of the women and Xentar, who still lingered in the shade.
“What is this for?” I looked at the small loop of fabric that Finnleah held in her hand, twisting it around like one big tie.
“Armband,” Florian explained. “Got to have one if you are to freely roam the streets of Svitar.”
“Since when?” Orest questioned coldly, his sharp gaze on the young drug lord.
“Since a day ago.” Florian observed the ten women, giving an approving nod at their appearance. “I guess there have been some rising concerns about infiltration. Only approved and verified citizens can walk the streets beyond the allocated hours of the day.”
“If there are not enough people on the streets—there won’t be a large enough crowd for the Ten to mingle with,” Orest stated. His shoulders tensed and he folded his arms, clearly disliking the situation.
“Thus, the disguise request.” Florian motioned to the dressed-up Cori, Tori, Zora, Motra, Ashe, Lulu, Yanush, and Ioanna.
“And I must say, ladies, you look rather ravishing.” Florian winked, and I held back a growl, because every single woman gave him one more vicious than I would’ve, looking repulsed by his poorly executed attempt at flirtation.
“Zora . . . ” I turned to my cousin, brow raised, as I silently posed a question. This was a deviation to our plan, adding a new level of risk to our attempt.
“It’s changed, but it will still work. We just need to be able to get far enough into the city,” Zora answered. “If these things can get us there, then the strategy would work as planned.” She adjusted her red band with the golden thread, a royal insignia embroidered on it. She turned, addressing the Ten. “If you don’t feel comfortable with this, I am not going to ask you to go.”
“I did not spend the time getting into this stupid dress just to turn around and walk back home. If you are going, so am I, Zora,” Ioanna said with complete devotion. She adjusted her new eyepatch, still getting used to the lost eye and yet insisting that she’d come.
The rest of the Ten nodded in agreement with Ioanna.
“No one is going to question a group of women with Florian. He is a well-known local whore,” Priya grumped, impatient.
“What can I say? A man of my skill is high in demand,” Florian purred. The cat rubbed against his exposed ankle as if agreeing with his owner.
My wife’s face lit up with a warm smile at the animal, crouching to gently pet the big cat on his head.
I am jealous of a fucking cat now? Get a fucking grip, Gideon,I murmured to myself.
“We should probably head out if we hope to make it behind the city walls by late morning,” Finnleah added, standing up. The growing light steadily crept above on the horizon.
“Eager to get away?” I whispered into her ear, leaning over. Her magnolia like smell encapsulated my lungs, taking over my mind, uneasiness disintegrating at her touch as she nudged me with her elbow.
“I simply cannot wait.” Her lips curved upward in that wicked little smile. “Just imagine all that alone time with Florian in the tunnels. The mildew smells, the lack of lighting, the rats and spiders. I mean, what else could a girl need to be completely smitten?” She batted her lashes at me, and perhaps if I wasn’tdistracted by the way the freckles on her nose scrunched when she fought a sneeze, I would’ve let her words fester.
I narrowed my eyes at her pretty face, earning another mischievous smirk from her. And fucking hell and heaven, seeing that spark in her eyes when she was near me was my undoing. It was my damnation and my salvation.
“You are going to be the death of me, aren’t you?” I managed to whisper into her ear.