Page 122 of A Rising Hope

“He should’ve been here by now,” Gideon grumbled after a while. Priya dramatically mimicked his words near me, though she was, too, annoyed at Florian’s delay.

I glared at the five pages of sporadic drawings from just a day prior and really hoped I had deciphered them right.

“This has to be the right spot,” I mumbled, comparing the landscape and the trees to the one he had drawn.

“Oh, gorgeous, of course it is. You and I know a thing or two about finding the right spots, don’t we?” Florian’s beguiling voice sounded a few paces back, I twisted, watching him appear from what looked like a shrubbery area near a dense row of the trees.

I whirled to see his smiling face. My own beamed with a wide grin.

“Florian!” I shrieked. But it was the loud meow that followed that made my jaw drop.

A large red cat with a diamond collar snaked around Florian’s feet.

“Ray?!” I dropped to my knees near the purring cat with the smartest eyes, gently caressing his slick fur. “I can’t believe he is so huge.”

“That’s what they all say . . . ” Florian smirked. Gideon growled like a vicious dog. “Oh, were you referring to the cat?” he taunted the male standing near me. “Well, you know me, I never leave a pussy starving. Always purring and coming back for more.”

I had expected Priya to roll her eyes and snap something grumpy at him by now, but she stood silent. A content smirk on her face from seeing Gideon disheveled and leashed as he kept the flames that were eager to obliterate Florian at bay.

“Florian, this is Gideon, my husband,” I mumbled, distracted. I had no time for pleasantries—the red cat allowed me to pick him up, making me grin as he settled in my arms, purring against my chest.

“Oh, we’ve met.” Florian examined Gideon up and down, not even slightly intimidated by his deathly glare. “Bringing yourown husband to our secret little rendezvous? I must say I am intrigued; brutes are not usually my type, but I am sure we could make it work. Besides, I am never against sharing, gorgeous, anything to spice up thatdullmarried life.”

I shook my head, too preoccupied to care about whatever this show was, but the fool was going to get incinerated, so I gave Gideon a warning glance. He was pushed to his limits. His nostrils flared, and his face turned menacing as I was sure he’d imagined Florian burst in flames for the millionth time.

“Another word about my wife and your grandfather will be in dire need of a new heir,” he threatened.

“Good to see you too, Florian.” The cat jumped out of my arms, making me immediately regret speaking even a word. “But unfortunately for you, I called you because we are in need of your other skills.” I turned to face him, enlightened to see my friend.

“You wound me, beautiful.” Florian dramatically pretended to stab himself in the heart. Priya scoffed; Gideon snarled. Florian and I just smirked. “What is it that you desire, precious little thing?” he asked.

“We need to be smuggled into Svitar.”

“And byyou,you mean you and yourDestroyerarmy?” He paused, though he never dropped the playful demeanor, Florian was far from naïve.

“Yes,” I answered. There was no point in hiding the truth.

“I must say, reports of the new Destroyer Empress are the juiciest gossip in Svitar. The Dragon Queen and the Protector of Justice . . . And as it turns out, a little freckled rebel.” His eyes curiously met mine. “It’s a twist I didn’t expect.”

“Believe me neither did I. But I want to stop the bloodshed, Florian. I want this war to end. I want the dust to settle and peace to flourish. I want the rumors to be of what outrageousdress the Fashion Corner displayed this week rather than that of upcoming wars.”

“You know I am powerless against a damsel in distress, so I shall help. Now, to make it official, all we need is a passionate kiss to seal the deal.” He winked, getting a rise out of Gideon.

To Gideon’s credit, the man saw through his pretense, but something so primal in him was still riled up, demanding to shred Florian to pieces.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Gideon glowered. “My lips are ready for your caress, Casteol.”

“Touché.” Florian smirked, assessing the group. “I can smuggle a few of you into the city, but there are nuances we must discuss if you plan to breach the walls.”

Florian followedus through the freshly set up Destroyer camp a few miles away from Svitar’s city walls. The ancient, unbreachable citadel stood tall and monumental on the horizon. Florian strode next to me dressed in his crisp white shirt unbuttoned just enough to show off the large floral tattoo on his chest. He hooked his burgundy jacket over his shoulder with his finger, half of his glossy, straight hair tied with a black ribbon. The eccentric golden cufflinks on his wrists reflected in the lazy afternoon sun. He walked with an ease in his step, not concerned by the inquisitive looks sent his way, leaning into his Svitar’s true-royalty charisma.

Gideon led us to the broad three-pole tent that now served as a council room.

“Oh Gideon, I apologize, we must’ve arrived early to our meeting.” Lord De Villiar rose from a large chair near the vastoval shaped table made out of Destroyer’s glass, near him his wife and his daughter.

I winked at Aurelia, excited to see the girl. She awkwardly waved back, earning a scornful glance from her mother.

“No apologies needed; ourallywas late,” Gideon stated, his voice too dangerously calm.