Page 84 of A Simple Truth

A part of me wondered if my heart could ever go back to beating normally again. I doubted it. My mind slipped back into the dreamy memories of his lips on mine, of his hands touching me, grabbing me, wanting me with his entire being. I rolled over to the other side yet again.

“I will tie you to the bed if you move one more time,” Ioanna grumped across the room.

“If you two saw the General…Gods, that man issoinfatuated with her,” Gia whispered with thrill in her voice, to Tori and Cori, still perched up in their beds. “It was actually really cute, but also absolutely terrifying. I wasn’t sure if he was going to thank me or murder me for interrupting, but I wasn’t sure how drunk she was still, and I was not going to have that on my conscience, you know.”

“Tell me more!” Cori squealed in a hushed whisper.

“Well, I didn’t see his eyes, because it was dark and he was standing in the shadows and all, but I heard his voice, okay? And I haveneverheard him talk like that.” The twins giggled together as Gia continued whispering, “And he was like, keep her in the tent or else…”

“Not theor else?” Tori gushed, rolling dramatically back into her seat. “Finn! Finn!” She threw a pillow at me until I turned to her, unable to hide the widespread smile on my lips. “What are you going to do?!”

“Well, I’d like to do the General. But you all are not letting me leave the tent,” I mumbled at them as they rolled with laughter.

“Gross. Remind me to never give you a drink ever again.” Zora rolled her eyes, though amusement filled her flushed face.

“This is so exciting!” Tori yelped. “You are a Justice Wielder; he is a Justice Wielder. Your powers are one, and so you will be. Just like since the beginning.”

“What does that even mean?” I shook my head at her.

“It’s only the most romantic story to ever exist,” Tori dramatically uttered. “The first Destroyer, the oldest son…I mean, he was all that, you know, the strong, protective—”

“Well-endowed, if you read the right retellings.” Her sister winked, earning a shared chuckle.

“It’s true.Verywell-endowed, according to some legends. I’m curious ifthatpart is hereditary too, you know, get the fire and get the fiery di—”

“Tori! Get to the story already.” Zora glared at the twin, though the wine relaxed her usually ruthless stare, as she listened in on the conversation. Tori sheepishly smiled.

“You’ll have to tell us if the legends are true.” She raised her brows at me suggestively, as her sister zealously nodded. “But anyway, he fell in love with a human girl so deeply, that he gifted half of his powers to her, so they could seal their souls together forever, thus making the first Destroyer soul-bond.”

“That’s why the raw fire couple is important. United, the true Destroyer power is restored back into one,” Cori noted.

“So…are you going to return his advances?” Tori inquired. My mouth turned dry.

“There are no advances, Tori. I am drunk and evidently, so was he,” I replied, though the haze was clearing in my mind.

“You can blame the wine all you want if that makes you feel better, but it’s not the alcohol and we both know it.” Cori rolled her eyes, pulling the blanket from underneath her sister.

“Physical attraction and ‘being one’ are not the same. Like I said earlier, I haven’t been with anyone since my fiancé died, so I haven’t had sex in years and clearly, it's affected my brain,” I mumbled.

“Look around, you’ve been living in a camp full of broody warrior men for months now, and the only one you have eyes for is our Lord and General, the Destroyer Ruler and Emperor-to-be, Gideon Bellator,” Cori beamed.

“Poor choice on my part, I agree.” My cheeks ached from smiling. “Perhaps I should diversify.”

“Perhaps, you should all go to bed. It’s dawn, for Fate’s sake,” Ioanna grumped. Cori ignored her, waving her off, though still moved from her sister’s bed to hers.

“Or you could consider admitting you like him.” Tori yawned, climbing under her blankets and I motioned with my hand, stifling the fire on the couple of candles left burning.

Gia turned to me in the dark, whispering just loud enough that only I could hear, “I’m not going to give you my advice, Finn. I’ve never lived through what you have, but I just feel the need to say this... It’s okay for you to be happy.”

I softly smiled at Gia. Her eyes were so caring and full of love, and for once, I wished my heart could be as big as hers; that I could love and care for people as much as she did, to always so selflessly give.

I understood now why she was Zora’s Second. Zora saw something that I perhaps, never believed in. That in the moment of fear or hurt, in the moment of armies falling and arrows flying, it wasn’t the strength of the person that persevered. It wasn’t the skill. It was love that bound you together. Love that Gia possessed and so generously gave.

“Thanks, Gia.” I smiled back, glad that night was hiding the painful look in my eyes.

But how could I ever be happy, when Viyak’s summer eyes haunted me each night and guilt laced my every freedom-filled breath?