“Thank you, Commander, you’ve been most helpful.” I smiled politely at him as I motioned to Orest, walking out of the tall dungeon they kept the creature in.
We marched upstairs, not saying a word until we were in my quarters, shutting the door behind us and scanning the room foranything out of place. I slowly took off my armor as Orest stood leaning by the door.
“Well, that wasentertaining,” he mumbled.
“What a shitshow,” I scoffed, changing my shirt into a neatly steamed button up, readying for the Lords’ meeting.
“The creature and a million hatchlings are the least of my concern. Did you notice one of the soldiers there?” Orest asked as he folded his arms.
“Yes, the eighth soldier on the right. That was surprising too.” I let out a sigh and Orest nodded.
“Yes, I’ll take care of him. But that’s the strongest one we’ve seen in years.” Orest raised his eyes to me, full of apprehension.
“I noticed. What was he looking for?” I paused, dressing myself.
“A high level spy. Though, it might be worth noting that this time it was Hosam’s,” Orest replied.
I turned my head back to the window, facing the large courtyard full of gardeners, working on tidying up the greenery after last night's rain.
“Hosam…”I shook my head.“This complicates things. Hosam is not an idiot,” I mumbled to myself. The war was coming faster than I had hoped. I ran my hand through my hair. “Find out more about the hatchlings. We definitely need to take care of the mother,” I ordered to Orest. He nodded, opening the door. “And Orest?” I called before he could disappear in the labyrinth of halls and dungeons, “If you need to talk, I’m here,” I offered.
“I know. But some things are better left unsaid.”
Iwas splattered on the ground, hoping I wouldn’t pass out as a sharp breath cut through my lungs. The bright blue sky blinded me, and I closed my eyes, panting.
“You okay?” Gia managed to ask between her own ragged breaths.
“If I don’t die within the next five minutes, I think so?” I muttered. The few that could, chuckled, lazily making their way to the kitchens for dinner. “I just need a moment to lie down, you know,” I replied as blood rushed in my ears.
The short bursts of late afternoon wind did very little to chill my overheated skin.
“You are holding back.” A shadow covered my face, and I opened my eyes to see Zora hovering over me.
“I just fought nine of them at the same time,” I protested, “And you think I’m holding back? Nine!” I repeated, astonished.
“And yet, you are holding back. Why?” she insisted.
“I almost won. Had it not been for that sneaky Yanush combo, I’d have taken them all out,” I argued.
“Precisely.But you lost. You are a Justice Wielder and you’ve lost to regular Destroyers.”
“The Ten arefarfrom regular Destroyers…” I grumped back as I rolled my eyes, sitting up.
“You still flinch at the fire. You’ve gotten better at hiding it, but I can see it. You stifle the fire, you wield it. You can control it. But at times, there is nothing but sheer panic and horror in your eyes. And when that happens, you lose. Like today.”
I turned away from Zora’s piercing stare, unsure how to reply. Unsure how to explain to her that each time I dipped further into my powers, I had to face the haunting memory that scarred me. That sometimes, it wasn’t about lasting long enough to endure the blazing, fiery attack of the Ten, but how long I could fight off the lashing memories in my mind, the devastated screams,myscreams. That in that moment, I didn’t care if I lost or won, I just wanted them to stop.
“You talk in your dreams sometimes you know,” she said and I gulped. “Though, I think the better word for it would be scream.”
“I am sorry if I keep you up,” I replied, the muscles in my jaw tense. “My dreams are not something I can control, unfortunately, but feel free to wake me up.”
“Oh, we’ve tried. You usually just roll over to the side and continue sleeping.” Zora chuckled. “But that’s not the issue, Finn.” Her voice was laced with gentle seriousness. “In my thirty years of life, I’ve seen enough soldiers that I can definitely tell when one trains and fights with a purpose.” She hooked the blades and the chain at her belt. “Sooner or later, you will have to face the demons within.” She gave me a kind smile. “Or they will take over.”
I didn’t reply to her, and she strolled back to camp, leaving me laying alone in the field.