Page 74 of A Simple Truth

“Soul binding is a process where you bind your souls for time and eternity through marriage, so even Lady Death can’t keep you apart because your souls are bound forever.” She boringly waved with her hand in the air explaining.

“Bonded souls are inseparable. It’s a much stronger bond than soulmates could ever have,” Ioanna replied.

“What if one of them dies?” My brows bunched together.

“Destroyers only marry once. They either stay single forever or choose to soul-bind to one person for eternity. They do not marry again, even if one dies. However, it’s not unheard of for some widowers to find companionship with other widows, creating partnerships. Bonded by grief, they live together, usually raising children in camaraderie until they are eventually separated by Death, reuniting with their soul-bonds,” Cass explained.

“Once your souls are bound, there aren't any unbinding options. So, when Destroyers marry, it’s forever. Unbreakable bond to carry for eternity and beyond,” Cori added. “So, whenI said there is nothing more sacred to Destroyers than their marriage, I meant it.”

“Yeah, the one time a Destroyer cheated and broke their soul-bound marriage, a literal civil war broke out,” Tori said dramatically.

“The Great Betrayal is getting a whole different light now, isn’t it?” Ashe sarcastically chuckled, taking another slurp.

“Can we return to the fact that ourraw fire wieldingLost Destroyer is jealous of some lousyCreator?!” Yanush smirked at me, and I glared back. “What? I think it’s rather cute! She literally almost had smoke coming out of her ears.”

“She is very pretty,” I finally admitted, though hating those words immediately, ashamed they even came out of me.

I was not that woman. I wouldneverbe that woman. I would never despise someone for looking better than me. I appreciated the beauty around me, the variety, the uniqueness of each one of us. It would’ve been an ugly world if everyone looked like me.

And yet, I was ready to storm in and cause a scene because of her.


I stopped myself, for a second not recognizing who I was in that moment.

Hell no.

I was not that person. And oversomeguy? A man that was supposed to train me but instead, chose to spend time with that woman?

Yeah, fuck that. And for that matter, fuck him too.

I was relieved as I felt the rising anger build the walls back up within me; walls that should’ve never came down in the first place.

“Those Creator pricks are all nauseatingly beautiful, aren’t they?” Ashe cackled.

“Finn, Destroyer men have different tastes than typical human men. Pretty ain’t what they look for,” Motra added gently.

Yet, the General dated her...That thought was eating me alive.

“Yeah, we would all go extinct if they were attracted only to beauty.” Cass laughed.

“What is it that they are attracted to then?” I asked, sending her a look.

But it was Zora, who kept her eyes on her food, who answered.


“Power?” I raised my brow.

“Yes. Looks aren’t enough to capture the heart of a Destroyer man. You need to have a certain level of badassery and strength.” Tori’s mouth widened in a large smile as she tugged on her shirt, exposing the leather strap around her wrist with her marriage ring. “That’s why we all got snatched so damn fast by our equally badass men,” Tori cackled, before wincing as Cori elbowed her painfully. “What was that for?” she hissed.

“That was soooo rude of you. Gods, Tori, you know Zora and Finn are single,” Cori loudly whispered, glaring at her sister.

“But they both know they wouldn’t be if they wanted,” Tori fought back.

Zora just sighed, getting up from the table and taking her empty plate back.

“Look what you did!” Cori angrily whispered. “I swear to gods, why don’t you take a vow of silence like Lulu. It would do you some good.”