“Have you ever played capture the flag as a child?” she asked, redoing her hair.
But I’d heard of the game, so I nodded to her.
“Pretty much the same thing. Each spring, all the Destroyers gather for battle exercises. It’s somewhat of a tradition. It started a long time ago to help us work through strategies.”
“And murder our enemies…” Yanush muttered, giving me a pat on the shoulder, her bow readily strung across her back.
“Gideon prefers to kill his enemies any time of the year, and not be limited only to the War Games. So unfortunately, no murdering.” Cass laughed, chalking her wide hands. “A while back, we used to join other Destroyers for the War Games. And then we could kill them,” she explained, winking.
“Nobody has been doing the Games the same way they used to, not since Gideon’s uncle died,” Ioanna added.
“It’s a good thing. Too much Destroyer blood was spilled over stupid games,” Motra agreed.
“So, I’m confused. Do we murder people during the games or not?” I asked, watching the sun reflect from my freshly-cleaned sword.
“Bloodthirsty much?”Lulu signed across from me with humorous look in her eyes.
“No, we allow tap outs. But people can still die if they don’t tap out,” A suggestive grin tugged at the corners of Motra’s mouth.
“It’s more satisfying to watch the men tap out anyway,” Ioanna scoffed.
“We win every year.” Gia rotated her wrists, reading for the training.
“And this year is not going to be an exception,” Zora commanded, motioning us to the training circle. “So, if you are all done chit chatting, we have a few plays to run. This year, we are doing it on the small island near the dragonfly one. Creators are in charge of the layout, so who knows what they will make it look like. Though, I swear, if they put in swamps like last year, I will personally hunt them down.” Zora shook her head.“We have three strategies that I think will work great this year, considering the teams roasters.”
At my questioning look, she explained, “Not every Destroyer participates. The ones that are up for the challenge create leagues, about nine to twelve person teams. Each team will compete and then the winning team gets to play the Ten in three games together as a final round.”
“It’s a week-long event to completely demolish those chumps. And then they throw a large feast and celebration for the winners, or in this case, us.” Tori grinned near me.
“We are a big deal after all,” Cori chipped in, bumping their hips together.
“Focus, girls,” Zora grumbled, and the twins quieted as all of us fought back a smile. “We are working on mechanics today, so no fire.”
Zora didn’t waste a single second, throwing plays and new combinations at us, one after another. We practiced until our muscles gave up, until my arms ached so much that I couldn’t lift even a teaspoon, much less a sword. The Ten were also dripping sweat, though holding ground much better than I was. All of us were too eager for the dinner bell to sound through the fresh spring air, signaling the first break in hours.
We waited in a long line, the large canopies above us were a much-needed shade from the late afternoon sun. The loud chatter of soldiers filled the dining space, composed of wooden tables lined up in rows. Seats filled rapidly with hungry Destroyers. Some of them had also come straight from training, as their faces were just as red as ours. I nodded to the passing Orest and Broderick as they took their seats amongst other battalion commanders. My eyes hungrily devoured the food on their plates: roast deer soup, apples and hard-boiled eggs, and most importantly, Troy’s amazing bread. My mouth salivated at the smell as we inched closer to the serving table. I wiped awaya few sticky hairs off my sweat-covered neck. Missing breakfast was clearly a terrible idea, as my stomach grumbled, demanding to be fed.
Yet, my obsessive thoughts about food were abruptly interrupted, the saliva in my mouth somehow turning bitter as I sawthem.
There, marching across the camp was none other than the missing Destroyer General. And with him, the most beautiful redhead I’d ever seen.
Whoever she was, she was drop dead gorgeous with legs that went on for days. Her copper hair, impeccably silky, extending well below her waist, swayed with each of her steps. Not a blemish, not a single imperfection adorned her body and face. She was perfect.
But it wasn’t even her beauty or the casual way they walked, parading across the whole camp, that made my blood turn to scorching acid. It was the way they laughed together. Both of their faces exulting with delight, as I was sure she was saying something absolutely hilarious.
Gods, my fucking blood boiled in rage at that sight. I watchedhimescortherthrough half the damn camp tohistent, so valiantly holding the flap-door open and letting her stroll through, his face enthralled with total bliss and pleasure.
Oh, if I thought I knew undeniable fury before, I was wrong. Because the sheer force and urge to incinerate them both right now almost blinded me.
“Careful, there,” Ashe whispered to me, “or you might turn her into dust.”
Ashe’s voice pulled me away from my murdering and vengeful thoughts, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his tent as I scowled.
Both of them there…alone…together…
Troy said something, smiling at me, as he started filling up my plate. I politely nodded, not hearing his words.