She masterfully twisted, lunging forward, conjuring another ball of fire, and then sent it straight at me. And maybe, if I wasn’t hypnotized by those little freckles, beautifully spattered across her body like stars amidst the night sky, I might have been able to block it. Yet, she landed a blow. Content with this little victory, she paused, resting her hands on her waist.
“At least we both agree that the quality of the kiss was quite subpar.” She channeled another fireball, this time attempting to shape it into something else, though still failing miserably. “But I guess that’s what I get for kissing aloser.” She gave me a pretentious smile, giving up on shaping and just chucked a large, flaming, half-square, half-rope shape at me. I managed to extinguish it, even as my mind focused on one thought only.
I undeniably wished to kiss her again.
“Well, there is only one way to remedy that,” I stated, ignoring any and all logic or reason.
“Yeah? And what is it?” She smirked, completely unaware of the devious plan spewing in my head. My fiery ropes wrapped tight around her wrists and legs a second later, controlling her every motion as if she were a puppet doll. I let myself smile wickedly as I jerked her body to mine until my arm wrapped around her waist pulling her tight against my body.
“Practice, of course,” I murmured, my voice almost a whisper as I tilted her chin up with my thumb and then my lips closed on hers.
There was a chance I was going to get stabbed for stealing a kiss like this. And yet, as her mouth opened in invitation to mine, I no longer cared.
In fact, I was certain I would let her stab me all day long if it meant I could do this again.
I paused only for a breath, though I was sure neither one of us were breathing in the moment. My forefinger and thumb still tilting her head up, I placed another small kiss on her lips—a simple peck, nothing compared to the heated kiss from seconds ago as I whispered, “See? A clear improvement.” My lungs filled with her sweet, floral scent. “And Finnleah…”
“Yes?” A soft moan escaped her lips, sending a shiver through body.
“If you wanted to kiss me so desperately, you didn’t need to go through the cheap theatrics of sparring. You could’ve just simply asked,” I purred, reluctantly letting go of her, forcing myself to take a few steps back, though already lamenting the distance between us as my mind screamed for more.
But I needed that distance.
The farther, the better,I told myself, out of precaution, walking all the way back to the small bench. Because for the first time in my entire life, I wasn’t sure if I could stay in control anymore, as my heart rapidly pounded against my chest.
Only after a minute did I dare to turn and look at her. She still stood motionless, with a clear look of uncertainty lingering on her face.
“Come to dinner with me.” I finally found the words, though my voice somehow sounded jagged.
“General, please tell me you are not serious?” She let out a long, painful sigh, rubbing her forehead. “It was a kiss.Justa kiss. I have no interest in your courtship,” she uttered, and maybe her words stung too much for someone who thought allthismeant nothing.
“Who said anything about courtship?” I immediately caught myself.
“First the dress, then a kiss, now dinner? What else would you call it?” She narrowed her eyes on me, though her cheeks tinted with a soft shade of pink.
“If that’s all you consider courtship to be, then I am terribly sorry someone treated you with such little regard.” I swallowed hard, keeping my cool composure. “Trust me, Finnleah, you’d know if I was courting you…Plus, courting you would mean that I have certain intentions towards you—”
“And you don’t?” She rolled her eyes, not believing me.Smart girl.
“As magical as my kiss might have been to you, it doesn’t change the reality of where I stand. I have no interest in you as a woman, nor as a wife.” If she stood a few steps closer, she’d clearly know just how false that statement was, because it wasn’t just my heart that was pumping blood faster after that kiss. “Myonlyintentions were to invite you to dinner so you could have a good meal and good company,” I said, secretly hoping that this blatant lie would convince my overheated body to chill.
“So noble of you, General.” She sarcastically grimaced. “But I have no desire to spend a minute longer in your‘good company’ than is necessary for me to train, so I must decline.”
“Suit yourself then,” I said, pulling my shirt on. Her harsh words did absolutely nothing to the vile, lustful thoughts now flashing in my head, set on demonstrating just howgoodof company I could be to her.
“Where are you going?” Her eyebrows bunched up as I walked past her.
“I am going to get ready for dinner,” I said matter-of-factly, not allowing myself to look back at her.
“But it’s not even lunch.” She shook her head, confounded.
“It’s going to be a very,verynice dinner,” I replied, hurrying my step.
Because if we continued sparring, there was a good chance I’d pin her against the tree and shove my tongue down her throat until she begged me for more. And then neither one of us would make it to dinner.