“You forget, General, thatthatwomanhas a concerning tendency to want you dead,” I whispered against his lips. He felt the pointy end of my Basalt Glass dagger directed at his heart a second later.
The General opened his eyes, completely unbothered by the dagger, his gaze piercing through me and whatever walls I had built up, down to my core. My throat bobbed; my mouth suddenly turning dry as his heart loudly thudded in unison with mine.
I awkwardly pulled on his arms, sneaking out of his hold as he put me down.
“I’ve won, General,” I said out loud, as if it mattered any more.
“You definitely did, Finnleah,” he muttered, still facing the tree, his voice a low, ragged rasp.
“Um...I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said after uncomfortably kicking dirt for a moment.
I dared a glance at the frozen figure of the General and quickly walked away.
I won.
At least, I was the one holding the dagger to his heart.
But his kiss somehow disarmed me in ways no weapon ever could.
“You are back early,”Zora said, as the Ten sat eating their lunch under the large canopy giving a bit of shade to the long rows of wooden tables.
“Yep. I won,” I mumbled, taking a seat near one of them, still unsure of what to make of the General’s kiss. My mind was no longer able to think as the taste of him, the feel of his soft lips against mine, intoxicated me. The memory sent shivers down my spine even now.
“What?!” Zora didn’t hide her shock, and on a different occasion, I would’ve commented on her lack of faith in me, especially considering she was the one training me, but I just nodded instead.
“How did you manage that?” Ashe asked, surprised as she smothered warm butter on her roll.
“I kissed him,” I replied. The butterflies in my stomach must have been rabid, since the longer I thought about it, the more nauseous I became.
“YoukissedGideon?” Zora sharply turned to me, now even more stunned. The rest of the Ten paused whatever conversation they were having as they all turned to me.
“Yep,” I retorted, my eyes finding a random scratch in the table far more curious than anything else.
“How?” Zora's thin eyes were still wide open as she questioned me.
“He pinned me against a tree, my sword was gone. Heart Piercer was hidden under my shirt and so I distracted him with a kiss… pulled my dagger,” I said out loud, jumbling my words, my mind still deep in a haze.
“I wouldn’t try that in battle, but props to you for winning.” Ashe wrinkled her nose, sneezing as she patted me on the shoulder.
“Kissing the General to win a sparring match? That’s commitment right there.” Motra laughed full heartedly.
“All I know is I’m not letting you spar with my husband.” Yanush giggled near me.
“WHAT?! I need immediate details?! Was he a good kisser?” Cori’s eyes lit up with excitement as she joined in the conversation.
“And was it a peck or a tongue kiss? Where were his hands?!” Tori eagerly chimed in.
I opened my mouth, unsure of what to say.
His hands, his tongue…it was literally breathtaking.Thoughts came faster than I could sift through them.
“I’m going to get a drink,” I said, getting up from the table. But instead of walking down to the large water barrels, I rambled down to our tent.
There, on my bed, laid the package from this morning—the one I had long forgotten about—with a small note.
In lieu of my alterations.
Yours truly,