Page 41 of A Simple Truth

“I can see that. But why are you bringing it to our training?” I crouched down, tying the laces on my boots.

“I wasn’t. I was dropping it off here,” he answered nonchalantly, though my eyes barely caught the little, tight swallow between his breaths.

“Who is it for?” My eyes glimpsed over the little note, neatly tucked on the side, curiosity exploding within me.

“You,” he calmly replied.

“Who is it from?” I was slightly taken aback by his reply. The corner of his mouth turned upwards with satisfaction as he purred,


“Okey-dokey, General.” I paused, mentally wincing at the ‘okey-dokey’phrase, but confidently continued, “If you think these weird tactics of yours are going to throw me off my grove today then, one, you are wrong, and two, you are worried that I might actually win.” I stood up, wiping my hands on my pants. “And if you are worried, that means I’ve already won.” I smirked, attempting to hide my piqued curiosity as my eyes assessed the bundle. My mind rapidly sifted through a million ideas of what it could be as he walked past me into the tent, only to return a moment later, empty handed. I considered coming up with some terrible lie to run back to the tent to peek at what was inside of it. But before I could act on it, the General was already strolling through the camp, back to the training field. Stifling my nosiness, I caught up with him in a few large strides.

“You are in so much trouble, General. Now that I know you are worried about losing, you are doomed,” I taunted him, raising my chin high.

“That pretty mouth of yours surely can talk a big game. If only actions were there to back it up.” He softly flicked my nose, and I narrowed my eyes at him as he self-assuredly smiled at me. “Is this glitter?” His face lit up as he ran his thumb across my cheek, looking at the few sparkling bits on his finger. He grabbed my hands next, inspecting my palms. I yanked them right back. “So,thisis your strategy? Blind me with glitter? I have to say, if Zora put you up to this, it won’t work. I am not five anymore.” He laughed wholeheartedly and I rolled my eyes at him.

“No, I was helping decorate for Lulu’s birthday,” I defended myself, trying to wipe the glitter off my hands, but somehow there was now more glitter on my pantsandon my hands.

We crossed the small path leading to the secluded training ring, I turned my eyes to the tops of the tall pine trees lazily swaying from the fresh spring breeze. The General, as usual, pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his muscled body to nature… and to me. But I no longer minded. A part of me was now accustomed to it and even admittedly enjoyed the view.

He grabbed one of his swords. I took my stance, raising my own sword in one hand, the other extended, heat forming at my fingers. My mind frantically replayed each move I practiced with Zora yesterday. The General seemed unfazed as he promptly moved, his gleaming blade attacking me first, but I dashed fast enough to avoid its painful blow. I sent a heat wave in his direction, but he blocked it.

I moved faster, attacking him with fire and metal. I knew I would never win against him with sheer strength, so I had to win through speed, tactic, and endurance. Though, that was going to be a harder task than I thought, as sweat rolled down my back while we sparred.

“Worried yet?” I taunted him, ignoring my shaking knees as I twisted my dagger, noticing a small cut on his arm, courtesy of me.

“Do I look worried to you, Finnleah?” the General replied, humored by my remark.

“I’d say you are getting there,” I replied cockily. He shook his head, laughing, as he ran his hand through his hair. But I didn’t give him a chance to reply as I moved again, throwing both fire and blades at him, distracting him. There—an opening appeared. I went for it.

Left, right, dodge. Heatshield. Heatwave. Don’t extend your energy on fire until you are ready.Zora’s voice sounded in my head.

“You truly think you can beat me?” The General smirked. “Sostubborn. It would’ve been cute if it weren’t so delusional.” He clicked his tongue and then with a simple hand motion, he sent a heat wave so strong that my body flew across the ring. I winced as I landed on the ground, forcing myself to get up quickly.


I scrambled for the sword, but it was too far, the General promptly sending another heat wave. This time, I managed to shield in time. The rising frustration within me burned behind my eyes like a painful itch. The General doubled down, heat and fire now encompassing me entirely. All I could do was simply shield as I grinded my teeth, fighting his infernos.

In a blink, the fire was gone, his body shoving me against a nearby tree instead. I went for the dagger on my side, but he grabbed my wrists roughly, holding them high above my head with both of his hands.

His dark, playful eyes locked with mine as he uttered a breath away.

“What about now, Finnleah? Do I look worried to you now?” he purred, and I considered biting his nose off. It wouldn’t help me win the fight, but he’d suffer, and that seemed to be the next best thing.

“You know, General,” I said between my jagged breaths. “You have a concerning tendency to pin women against trees,” I snarkily commented, pointlessly trying to wrangle my wrists out of his death grip.

“Awoman, Finnleah,” he murmured, his large chest expanding and contracting with uneven breaths. My eyes widened as I noticed his eyes lingering on my lips. My heart jumped out of my chest at the realization.

Oh, fuck it,I told my deliriously tired mind.

Instead of kicking him straight in the crotch as I should’ve done, I raised my legs, wrapping them around his waist and jerking his sweaty body flush against mine.

And then, I landed my lips on his.

It might have been a second, it might have been an eternity. I wasn’t sure. My thoughts, my feelings, my soul all tangled together as he unexpectedly returned the kiss with vigorous passion. His hands dropped my wrists as he hungrily grabbed my upper thighs, pulling me even closer as his body leaned into mine. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and yet, I felt lightning striking me as his tongue fervently entangled with mine.

Regret already flooded me for unknown reasons as I drew away from him, my face flushed and flustered.