“Oh, come on, you have to admit, that’s actually funny.”
“It was not funny in the moment, Zora. We’ve been at this for a month now, and I feel like even though I’ve made progress, I’m nowhere near kicking his self-centered ass.”
“Well, have you considered you don’t need to? You are getting stronger. The Ten can no longer penetrate your heat shields easily, and the shaping, though it needs some work, is getting better. Your sword skills have also improved. You are becoming a great warrior, Finn, isn’t that enough?”
My cheeks turned a shade of pink at the recognition, and the wrath within me chilled—though not completely—the General’s victorious smirk was etched in my mind, still making my blood sizzle with venom.
“At this point, I am far too invested in this to just give up,” I scoffed, and Zora let out a wholehearted chuckle.
“Spoken like a true Destroyer.” Zora motioned me to the center as she pointed her small sword at me. “Let’s work on the sword and dagger combo. This time, focus on the left flank,” she instructed, and I nodded.
Zora and I practiced well into the night, silver stars now flickering between the sheer, stretched out clouds. My whole body trembled from exhaustion as we walked back to the camp under the silver glow of the flickering stars peeking between the stretched out clouds. I was still replaying the new moves in my head, my mind content with the new plan we had worked on, eager to try it tomorrow.
The Ten were still awake, soft light emanating from the tent. My eyes widened in surprise as we walked in on the Ten scattered throughout the room, decorating it.
“What is happening?” I asked, still standing by the entrance.
“Our birthday season is officially starting!” Gia beamed, hanging up a few dangly strings. “All of the Ten were born within six months of each other. Different years, though the same months. Starting from the first day of spring tomorrow, until thefirst day of fall. Lulu starts off the season, then Yanush, Cass, Zora, Ioanna, Cori and Tori, Ashe, and Motra, and then me, to finish it off,” she blabbered, busy decorating.
“Don’t just stand there, help us finish.” Ashe handed me a string of red garland.
“Isn’t she going to see this?” I said, as I held the string up for Ashe to pin it in place.
“Nope, her husband has taken her on a quick getaway, so she is gone for the night. An early birthday present from him, I guess.” Cori giggled as she wiggled her eyebrows up.
“Lulu is married?” I blurted out, surprised, grabbing another garland to hang, handing off one end to Ashe on a small stool.
“Don’t be so surprised.” Motra chuckled.
“But the girl doesn’t even speak,” I muffled.
“Many men would probably prefer that.” A few of the girls laughed at Yanush’s comment.
“Almost all of us are married, Finn.” Gia gently smiled near me.
“Married?” I asked again, for a second wondering if the word meant the same thing to me as it did to them.
“Well, everyone except Zora and Gia,” Tori clarified.
“Even Ioanna?” I whispered to Gia.
“Hey, I heard that.” Ioanna scowled, but then gave me a crooked smile.
“Gia is soon to be married if that boy ever wisens up,” Cass said.
“Yeah, Broderick knows if he doesn’t marry her soon, he will be the biggest idiot alive,” Cori passionately chipped in, flinching as she accidently spilled glitter all over the floor.
“Wait, you are engaged to Broderick?” I asked, even more amazed. I had seen them walking around, but they must have been so discreet. Or perhaps, I spent way too much time alone inthe woods with the General, that I missed everything happening in the camp.
“Not yet, but I hope to be soon.” Gia’s lips stretched into a beaming smile as her cheeks turned a bit rosy.
“Are you soon to be engaged too?” I turned to Zora, who was now sprinkling glitter in a box for Lulu’s present.
“Oh no. Been there, done that. I’m good. Don’t even have a man to court me, so no marriage for me anytime soon,” she mumbled.
“Wait, so are you and Orest not” I winced as Gia’s elbow jammed abruptly into my side before I could finish my sentence, her eyes shouting louder than words.
“Yeah, I am so very excited to be engaged! Who knows, if Fate allows it, perhaps a summer wedding?” Gia loudly continued while still glaring at me with alarmingly large eyes.