My eyes darkened and, for a moment, I felt as if I was still lying down on the dusty floor of the broken-into bakery in Svitar as the truth about Priya rattled the stars.
I was fucking oblivious.
Yet again.
“Anoldtradition that you have no reason to worry about. I promise you, Finn, I am not going to force you into marriage with me,” he reassured me once more, and I knew it was the actual truth. But I took a step closer to the desk, to him, holding back a wicked growl.
“Let me be very clear,General,and anyone else for that matter…” I glanced over Zora’s small figure behind me, looking somehow even smaller now. “I shall never wish to marry you, not now, not ever. So, I suggest you find yourself a new tradition anda new wife.” With that, I grabbed the plate of cold food off his desk and stormed into the night, not caring for the clear remorse mixed with regret in his dark eyes.
Itchy. I was so damn itchy.
“If you keep scratching, it will only make it worse,” Gia cautioned, brushing out her tangled-up braids. “Your skin is finally healing well. Leave it be,” she snapped, pulling my hand off my skin when I didn’t stop picking my scabs.
The previous blood blisters turned into dried, hard shells. My skin resembled ever-oozing, cracking tree bark, the dark crusts slowly peeling off one by one akin to that of a dragon losing its scales. The worst was the hair; I was sure I would never brush it out completely. And then, there was the relentless itching…
“It’s driving me insane!” I growled in frustration. “So damn itchy.” I still attempted to secretly scratch the inner part of my calf with my foot.
“Good. Maybe you’ll remember that next time you try to sneak off and attempt a descent,” Ashe barked from across the room, sharpening her knives. Lulu nodded her head in agreement, and I rolled my eyes.
It had been three days since I found myself naked in the General’s bed. I’d been put under careful watch since then, with strict rules of not using my powers until I’d been fullyreplenished and rested. But three days were over now, and so was the bedrest.
“You’ll be late,” Gia encouraged me as I tried to pick another scab. “Itching will be the least of your concerns if you are late to training.” She pointed to the tent door. “Go!”
Obediently, I raced out of the tent, heading for the furthest training ring where Zora was waiting for me. Although I wouldn’t deny that a part of me was nauseatingly anxious, another part of me was extremely eager to summon Cleansing Fire for the first time since I had made the descent, eager to learn how to wield it with killer precision.
I crossed the path heading for the small fighting ring, contemplating what I would want to learn more. Perhaps fiery arrows, or heat shields? Or maybe ropes? The mossy forest floor was soaked with moisture from the melting snow, water beads covered my boots as I treaded ahead. Perhaps I could learn how to use heat to dry things. Then, I would never have to worry about starting a fire to keep myself warm and dry.
The humid air was still cold, though the midday sun softly caressed the few scab-free spots on my face and neck. I glanced over to the charcoaled spot of forest peeking in between the thick trees I passed. Though Xentar and a few other Creators had rebuilt the riverbank, and I had miraculously managed to find Heart Piercer, the forest was still adamant on reminding me of my foolish actions just a few days prior.
I finally approached the training court, stopping abruptly in my tracks as the General’s devilish smirk welcomed me.
“Don’t act too excited to see me now,” he said, taking a good look at my frozen grimace.
“Where is Zora?” I asked, shaking off the initial displeasing feeling.
“I am going to oversee your training now. Zora is unavailable,” the General said, walking across the ring towardsthe wooden bench on the side. He put down both of his ruby-topped swords, the metal clunking loudly through the noisy forest.
“Okay,” I replied through my teeth, taking a stance in the middle of the ring, still watching the General’s figure with a discerning look.
“Okay? That’s it? No grand speech about training with the...what did you call me? A child torturer and defiler?” He glanced over his shoulder, taunting me, as he pulled out a few more daggers from his boots.
Daggers in boots? Such an amateur...
I took a long breath, exhaling slowly through my nose as my jaw tightened.