We hiked back to the shore as she carefully turned the pages.
“This has to be a riddle, there is no way it’s anything but that,” she said, trying to read some of the words out loud, twisting her tongue again and again in an attempt to decipher the ancient Elvish text. “These words just don’t make any sense.”
“Well, whatever it is, it can wait,” I told her as we made our way down to the beach, treading our feet through the warm sand, towards the small boat.
“Wait for what?” She closed the book.
“Not for what, but for who,” I said, as we passed scattered, large boulders. “It would be a good time to run right about now.”
“Run?” she asked, confused, catching up to my lustful thoughts a second later, but not fast enough. She squealed, running away, as I dropped her bags on the ground, hungrily chasing after her. A few strides later, I tackled her onto the soft sand, kissing her lips.
“You know, people will stare,” she supposed.
“It’s okay, I’ll blind them all.” I smirked, summoning a flaming dome above us, hiding us away.
“Not conspicuous at all.” She rolled her eyes, making me smile, yet she moved her hands through my hair, pulling me closer for another kiss. “I do have to applaud you for lasting this long. I had my bets that you’d lose it the moment we landed.” She continued talking as I undid her pants, spreading her legs wide. My eyes devoured her pussy as I licked my finger before sliding it down her clit, my cock throbbing, eager to replace my hand as I gently slid my fingers inside. She released a little noise. Keeping my hand in place, I lowered to kiss her.
“I wanted you from the moment I stopped fucking you last. But I have been patient, haven’t I?” I purred into her ear as my tongue trailed down her neck, my fingers slowly moving up and down her core.
“Gods, the way you finger me is a damn art,” she moaned in between the words.
“I guess all those lessons in piano are finally fucking paying off.” I laughed, scraping my teeth down her lips as my caresses filled with desire.
“And so did your patience.” She pushed my shoulders up and I rolled, pulling her on top of me. Now it was her who was undoing my pants, pulling them down, but not all the way, as she impatiently positioned herself right above the tip of my hardened cock. Not hesitating even for a second as she plunged me deep into herself, her wet pussy moving along my length, her hands clinging to my chest.
“Is this your favorite shirt?” I asked as I stared at the neatly tied linen shirt.
“No?” she answered, puzzled by the question, but with a single blink from me, the shirt turned into ashes, exposing her bare chest.
“Good,” I answered as I rose up enough to land a kiss on her perky breasts. She, liking the motion, wrapped her hands around my head as she shoved her chest into my face, making my cock twitch with pleasure inside her. My hands slid down her bare ass, gripping her tight, as she rolled her hips, grinding into me.
I listened to her ragged breaths as she moved, her face lost in pleasure.
I listened to her heart racing as she moved faster, her hands clawing at my chest while satisfaction rolled through her.
This was a symphony.
A perfect masterpiece.
One I’d never get bored of hearing.
“Shhh... Go back to sleep.” Gideon landed a soft kiss on my cheek as he got up from our bed, his spot next to mine still feeling warm as I rolled to my back, remembering that I was naked—a common occurrence nowadays—but so was he. A sleepy smile crept up to my lips as a recollection of last night’s ‘activities’, as he liked to call them, surfaced in my mind.
It had been over a week of perfect bliss as I followed him to the front lines, feeling finally at home with him. He paused, tightening his black pants. “Do not put any clothes on, because I’ll return in a few and I’d have to burn them all off again,” he whispered, smiling at me, as he found his shirt scattered on the floor, slipping it on over his head.
“You're going to have to stop doing that,” A drowsy laugh slipped out of me. “I am running out of clothes to wear.”
“Exactly. Soon you will have nothing left to wear at all, and that is precisely my goal.” He smirked at me and my tired eyes rolled at him.
A loud, pounding knock sounded again, startling me.
“Gideon, you need to come see this right now!” Zora’s muffled voice sounded from behind the double white doors, her voice alarmingly tense. My brows furrowed.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, pulling blankets over my shoulder.