“The balance lasted until power-hungry people on both sides lost sight of their meaning and purpose in the Order. Soon, theDestroyers became petty, hateful pricks, and when the rest of the Magic Wielders confronted them, it didn’t go well. Then, there was the Great Betrayal, but you know the results of that…Anyway, what we as Destroyers, or Destroyer-rebels, for that matter, stand for, is our originally intended purpose and duty. To protect, to rule with both fairness, and with integrity. To live in harmony and peace. That’s our purpose, and the True Order. That is your purpose now too as a Destroyer, and especially as someone who wields Justice Fire.”
Iducked just in time as Motra’s blade swung above my head, cutting off a bit of hair. Before I could complain to her about my new ‘haircut’, my blade was already at her thigh. A wicked smile appeared on my lips, but quickly changed into a grimace when she swiftly twisted my whole body around until her dagger harshly pressed into my neck.
I growled with frustration, now dropping my knife, accepting defeat as large drops of sweat rolled down my back. Motra smiled wide as she stretched her hand out to help me up.
“Nice go, but I’d survive a cut on my thigh and you’d be dead,” she stated victoriously as if I wasn’t aware, and I held in an eyeroll. I got up, my muscles trembling with exhaustion. The few cuts and bruises I had stung as I ran my fingers across them. I went to pick up the knives scattered around the large field we had used as our training space, not happy about the fact that for some unknown to us reason, my wounds didn’t heal as fast as the rest of the Destroyers.
“Keep a positive outlook, Finn, you are doing great!” Gia added as she landed a victory blow on Lulu, sparring a few strides away.
“Greatfor a lousy assassin.” Ioanna chuckled near me, also winning her match.
“Nothing is wrong with being an assassin, Finn.” Gia smiled as she walked by me.
“It’s just that we are not assassins. We are made to destroyarmies.” Ashe winked at me, passing Lulu, as the winners now sparred against each other.
I knew that Ashe’s words weren’t an exaggeration ever since I witnessed the first match with them. And the more I trained with them, the more that statement rang true. Even when they sparred fireless, they were a force to be reckoned with. I wouldn’t want to encounter one of them on the battlefield, much less alltenof them. And yet, as the days went by, I grew to rely on their comforting company to battle my rotting gloom away. So, I trained day and night, exhausting myself until my legs gave out, and then I trained some more. Each night, I fell to my cot, unable to open my eyes even for a second as I drifted quickly asleep.
Another round of sparring ended, the matches becoming shorter and shorter, as fatigue slowly devoured the Ten. Zora had finally motioned for a break, and I couldn’t resist a full sigh of relief.
“Hey, Aurelia!” Gia squealed in excitement, almost tackling to the ground a tall and slender, almost frail looking figure approaching us. My eyes widened a bit at her picturesque and unique beauty. Aurelia looked like a spirit descended from heaven, a literal angel, her pale skin was almost translucent and without a single freckle or color. Her ice white hair, well past her waist, was unbound, her ends slightly curled in small ringlets that bounced with each of her steps. She was dressed in a neatly made pastel blue dress, the large, flowy skirt reaching her mid-calf and exposing large, thick socks instead of shoes on her feet.
“Hi, Gia. Hi, Zora. Hi, Lulu. Hi, Tori. Hi, Cori. Hi, Motra. Hi, Cassiopeia. Hi, Ioanna. Hi, Yanush. Hi, Ashe.” She awkwardly waved at every single one of us until she paused on me. “Hi, new stranger I don’t know the name of.” She waved at me too, giving a welcoming look, her white lashes fluttering with the sweet nod she provided.
“I’m Finn,” I introduced myself, extending my callused, sweat and dirt-covered hand as she gently patted it in an odd hand grab. Her skin was just as soft as it looked, and her hand just as icy as her silver eyes.
“Aurelia De Villiar.” She curtsied a second later, a motion that was clearly very well trained.
“What are you up to these days, ReyRey?” Ashe asked as she fixed the wrappings on her hands, sheathing her knife.
“Oh, I got mom to bring me here to check the nests. Winter birds should be returning soon,” she said excitedly, adjusting the large, golden brooch of a bird nestled on her chest. My eyes examined the stranger once more, noticing the intricate details of her outfit, just as peculiar as she was. I particularly liked the large, emerald beetle ring she wore on her finger.
“Did you know there are thirty-eight species that live in this forest? Some of them fly away for the winter though, but I have so far found twenty-eight of them! I have yet to find the rest. My mom says that I will get there, and I believe her. I was upset one time when I was stuck on the number eighteen, because I couldn’t find them anywhere, and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever find them. So, I was dismayed, but my mom helped me recount them, and it turns out I was already on the number nineteen, and so that meant that I found eighteen before, so I didn’t even have to be upset about it, and then I found number nineteen right on my birthday! It was a good day, my birthday, that is. Do you like birds?” Aurelia tilted her head at me, catching me by surprise as my mind rendered the layers of information it just received.
“I…I do. Um.. I enjoy seeing birds.” I managed to reply as the Ten listened, their faces lit up with delight.
“Have you met the General? He has a very nice,largebird. In fact, it’sa giganticNorthern Raven, to be precise,” she cooed with her melodic voice.
“So I have heard.” I couldn’t help but smile.
“You have a lot of freckles. I have none,” Aurelia said, giving me another inspecting look. “Your name is weird too, mine is not. But I like you,Finn,and I shall make you my friend,” she confidently declared, standing perfectly straight with an ideal posture.
Though taken aback by such a direct statement, one I had never heard spoken so frivolously to me before, I still managed to add,
“I’d love to be your friend, Aurelia De Villiar.” A bit of a blush tinted my face as we shook hands once more. Her mother’s voice sounded a second later, calling Aurelia back. The angel-like girl fleetingly waved goodbye, leaving us just as quickly as she appeared.
“I freaking love Aurelia!” Gia giggled as we rotated for another round.
“Who is she?” I asked, wiping my clammy palms against my shirt for a better grip on the leathery hilts of my serrated blades.
“She is the daughter of the De Villiars,” Cass said from across. When the confused look on my face didn’t fade, she added, “The Royal family that opposed the Queen and is supposed to be dead.” And though the name didn’t ring any bells, being a Royal did. “They take care of any humans under Gideon’s rule.”
“Oh,” I replied, unsure if it was the mention of the Destroyer General or the Royals that made my stomach tight. Though I didn’t have time to think much on it, as Zora’s commanding voice roared and the clash of metal exploded a second later.