“Well, I am not happy about it.” I dramatically sneered at him.
“Are you unhappy with the complexity of magic, or does it have something more to do with the ocean being literally on fire today?” He quirked his brow up as his lips stretched in a cat-like smile.
“Most definitely magic,” I obviously lied. “And the ocean being on fire is a totally normal seasonal occurrence, I had nothing to do with it,” I replied, raising my chin confidently.
“Whatever you say, princess.” Xentar laughed, his deep laugh filling up the tiny loft. “I am going out tonight, don’t stay up too late waiting for me or anyone else for that matter,” he said, winking at me.
“I wasn’t planning to,” I objected, folding my arms.
“I’m sure you weren’t.” He rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me, his large figure already climbing down the thick, wooden ladder as he waved goodbye. Soon, the front door creaked and softly closed behind him, leaving me alone in the house.
I really wasn’t going to stay up.
I was done losing sleep over some man. Well, notsomeman…but still. I was too tired and busy to be staying up, waiting for a letter that would never come.
I pulled a few blankets up as I laid down in my bed, staring out the small, round window, watching as the dark sky lit up with a million stars.
I had laid like that for a while; the oil lamp had long burnt out, as the room became shrouded in slumbering darkness and my mind began drifting into the abyss, when suddenly, a loud clap sounded once more. For a moment, I thought I must have dreamed of it, not even bothering to turn around, until a heavy bird landed on my legs, and I begrudgingly sat up.
“He sends it now?! Just when I was about to sleep?!” I complained to her, but she just jumped closer, dropping the letter straight on my lap. “I shouldn’t even reply. Make him wait three days, see how he’d like that,” I reasoned with her. Her large, black eyes just stared back at me, waiting.
But after a moment of prideful hesitation, I quickly gave in, opening the folded letter on my lap.
‘Courageous and no longer being a coward’…Is that some kind of a twisted trick? Are you tricking me?
I waited three days for this?
I tapped my pen against the paper as my eyes lit up with a malicious intent. I let a little orb of fire linger in the air, lighting up my poorly written response.
You think so little of me, General. I have much better tricks up my sleeve than that.
And what kind of tricks are those, Daughter of the Dead?he wrote back.A sinful look lined my face.
Oh, any tricks you like, General,I replied, fighting a ridiculous smile that now stretched from ear to ear as I continued writing.Though I have to say, my favorite one so far was moaning your name and feeling your length harden under my hand.
Is that so?he responded,and I could almost see his devious smirk even miles away.
But then a part of me wonders if that is how you feel when I just simply moan against your ear, what would it be like when my mouth does much better things than moan?I sent it off even as my cheeks exploded with heat.
You are a cruel little thing, you know that, right?Even his handwriting seemed a bit uneven now.
Oh, the tricky things that I do wonder each night, especially when I think of you instead of my hand.
His reply was simple, making me laugh.
Go on.
Oh, but it’s too late, I must go to sleep. I do hope you dream of me tonight, my General, because I’ll be dreaming of you all fucking night. Or perhaps it is better said, dreaming of you fucking me all night. Anyway, have a good night, Gideon.
Fucking hell, Finnleah...This is worse than torture. And I’ve been tortured before.I bit my bottom lip, rereading his words.A part of me wished, more than anything, to see his frazzled look right now.
Gideon?I wrote.
Do not wait three days to send your raven next time.
Yes, my queen.