I knew this day would have to come from the moment I chose to train, but it didn’t make it any easier.
My heart slowly thudded while not a single star made their way through the thick clouds above. Even the Moon Goddess looked away from me as I snuck through camp.
“Finn, you’ll have to come and tell us where you learned how to fly!” Tori shouted, startling me. Her shirt was inside out, and her husband didn’t even care that I was around as he nuzzled her neck.
“Yeah, right after I puke my guts up from all the ocean water,” I replied, forcing myself to let the traitorous words come out. The false cheer in my voice felt like torture.
“You were amazing, Finn!” Cori appeared from the shadows with her husband too.
“So were you! I saw you fighting him. He didn’t stand a chance.” I winked at her as her husband nodded his head.
“I never did, did I?” he replied, landing a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Off to do anything fun since the lockdown is over? Oranyonefun?” Cori wiggled her brows.
“Maybe?” I grinned, the lies feeling sharper than the hidden blades beneath my clothes.
“Oh, my gods, you’ll have to tell me all the details,” her voice rang with excitement. Her husband widened his eyes in question, but she just replied, “Oh, shush. It’s girl talk, okay?” He made a comment about something else to her and she giggled, but I didn’t pay attention as I waved goodbye, walking away faster from them all. Soon, I was walking down the steep hill, down to the small boat I had tied to the dock earlier, my small pack of stolen provisions still neatly hidden beneath the canvas.
If my calculations were correct, there would only be a handful of guards on duty tonight on Dragonfly Island. All theCreators would be long gone, off to the mainland to join the Destroyers in celebration.
The waves crashed into my boat as I rowed in the dark of the night, my arms and shoulders burning by the time I made it to the Dragonfly Island. My feet sunk into the sand as I slid the boat on the shore.
“Please, don’t be difficult,” I whispered to myself as I climbed the scaly rockslide of the island hidden by the shadows. I cautiously opened the small jar of purple powder that I’d stolen from Priya’s laboratory. A breathable paralytic.
I had hoped I’d never have to use this, and yet, I couldn’t risk using my powers, especially in the middle of the dark night. But I also couldn’t bring myself to harm the innocent guards with my weapons either.
I pulled a small bandana over my face, covering it except for a thin slit for my eyes.
“Hey, I’m looking for someone,” I drew out, only loud enough for them to hear me as the two guards turned around. But before they could even make a sound, the purple powder settled in their nose. Their eyes rolled and I winced as their large bodies twisted and fell on me as I tried to soften the blow to the harsh ground. The other two guards were trickier, but a few minutes later, they too were paralyzed amidst the green grass.
I hurried towards Greyfas, as he was already saddled. I hastily shoved my belongings into the white saddle bags, managing to climb into the saddle on the second try. My fingers shook but I fastened the saddle belts, securing me to my seat.
“Not staying for the celebration?” Zora’s sharp voice cut through me, making me wince. Her figure slowly emerged from the shadows.
“Zora…” I started.
“I was wondering when you’d decide to leave us. It seems today was the day,” she said. Though hurt flashed through herface, her tone was settled and calm as her eyes stared into mine. “You know you’ll break his heart.”
“I know,” I replied, my own words like poisoned arrows, wounding me. “But he will live, and Viyak might not,” I quietly reasoned. “We might not know how to stop the Queen and win the war, but I do know how to free my friend. And that is what I must do, Zora,” I said, even as my voice trembled; even as I bit my lip painfully until the silver drops in my eyes vanished.
“I know and I won’t stop you.” Zora folded her arms. “But I won’t lie to him either.”
“I know…Tell him that I am truly sorry,” I added, checking the buckles on the belts holding me to the saddle.
“Tell him that yourself when you come back, Finn.” Zora’s sorrow-filled voice was muffled amidst the buzzing sound of the wings. I moved the goggles over my eyes, pulling the reins gently up and letting the creature softly ascend into the night sky.
Inervously twisted the ring in my hand, watching the Destroyer-made diamond reflect the bits of stars shimmering in between the dark clouds. I wished it wouldn’t be cloudy. I wished the stars would be shining brightly, lighting up the small, little place I had set up.
But if the gloomy weather were the only thing wrong with tonight, I’d count it as a lucky day indeed.
My stomach twisted with unease, and I let out a slow breath, adjusting the lapels of my jacket. I had rarely worn this type of clothing in the camp, but today required a nicer outfit; a special occasion indeed.
My eyes lingered on the best smoked salmon found in Esnox, my lips stretching up in a half smile. She was going to love it.