Nobody, dead or alive, would disrespect her.
“Murder for breakfast, never done that before,” she mumbled more to herself.
Her fingers moved imperceptibly as the golden flames devoured the next prisoner agony-filled screams disrupted the birds, causing a few flocks to take flight.
She had let him burn there slowly, listening to every crackling sound as he burned alive. The growing flames reflected in her eyes as she stayed motionless, just watching the prisoner turn limp on the ground, his flesh turning to charcoal in the all-consuming fire.
She didn’t blink, didn’t falter, even as sheer horror and panic filled her eyes, her face turning extremely pale, but even then, she didn’t turn away.
I moved towards her, but Orest stopped me with his arm as he whispered, “Let her be.”
She stood there silently until the very last flame died down, leaving now unrecognizable charcoaled remains. Then she moved to the next body kneeling near her. With a single motion, she turned him into a pile of ash. One snap of her fingers, and he no longer existed.
I had always found Finnleah striking, but now, watching her stand there, empowered as she took their guilty lives with nothing more than a single snap of her fingers?
Hell, I was majorly turned on. It was neither the time, nor the place, but I couldn’t help it.
I would take her right now, and let the world burn around us.
“Gods, please tell me you are not feeling what I think you are feeling?” Orest uttered near me through his teeth.
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I lied, as I uncomfortably adjusted the large bulge in my pants.
“Free them,” she commanded. “Whatever hold you have on them. I want them to fight me for their lives,” she ordered, her voice exuberating nothing but power and control. And I, with no regard for reason, obeyed. I might have ruled the armies and the future of Esnox, but she ruled over me. I gave Orest an approving nod.
“Now gentlemen, fight me, and you might just survive today,” she told the last two remaining soldiers.
The prisoners exchanged a quick glance between themselves. I’d seen that look before; a desperate look before death. Men with nothing to lose were dangerous. I clasped my hands tighter, observing. They were weaponless and I would kill them immediately if they posed any danger, but a part of me still did not like her fighting them at all.
I let out a measured exhale. I was here for her, and if this was what my Empress-to-be desired, then that was what she’d have.
The soldiers moved but before they could take another step, she did something that I didn’t expect.
The two prisoners collapsed to the ground, grasping at their throats, clawing the ground as they painfully suffocated.
“Is she usingUtradecendon them right now? Onbothof them?” Even Orest hid no astonishment in his voice as he watched her tug on their powers. The hairs on my body stood up and all I could do was nod to Orest in confirmation, even as my own power trembled in awe at the sight.
She was strength.
She was power.
She was Justice and Fate herself.
I was the cursed bastard heir to the throne, but here, amidst the dead prisoners, amidst the ever-green trees and the moss-covered rocks, stood the true Destroyer Empress, Fearless Ruler of Esnox, my never yielding Queen, a marvelous Goddess: Finnleah, Daughter of the Dead.
Once the soldiers were unconscious, she released her pull, incinerating them instantly. Her head twisted to look at me.
“Is this similar to how you tested out your raw fire too?” she asked of me.
“Yes, except I was five and they” —I motioned to the remnants of whatever body was left—“and they were about twelve. But yes, very much similar,” I replied.
“Hmmm...” She started walking away from us while neither Orest nor I moved. I wasn’t sure I knew how to walk anymore, stunned to my core.
“Finnleah?” I finally managed to find one clear sentence in my mind, and she twisted her head halfway to glance at me. “Today, after the games. You and I are going on a date,” I stated.
She paused; her face flashed with a look I didn’t quite understand.
“I will see you later, General,” she replied, easing the twisted tension in my stomach. My hand slid into my pocket, adjusting my hardened cock as my fingers dug for the ring, I’d been carrying with me since the Desolate Desert.