Page 64 of Escape From Me

My eyes started to burn, and I tried to look up to stop the tears from coming.

“Yeah, I get what you mean,” I said, watching as he and Xander waited up at a little wooden arch with some vines wrapped around it.

“Alright. Here. I put together these bouquets. I don’t think either of you can get married without that at the very least.” Rylee handed me a small bunch of flowers with pink and white and purple flowers. Small and simple.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful.”

Cas came up behind Rylee and kissed her on the neck.

“Alright, you go watch those two idiots. I’ll walk them up the aisle. Winnie will never forgive me if I don’t,” he said.

All the guys had on short-sleeve, linen, button-down shirts with black slacks. It was pretty hard to see any of them being all soft and sweet with the number of tattoos covering their skin.

“Winnie?” I asked.

“Cas’s grandma. Well really she’s Grandma to all of them. She got ordained for this moment. Well. She’s not really like any grandma I’d imagine. Then again, I never had one that I knew.” Rylee smiled, turned to Cas, kissed him, and walked down the little aisle.

“Alright, ladies. Let’s go get you tied down to my brothers legally. Especially you, Daisy. Zeid’s never looked this happy before. It would be a shame if I had to hunt you down and kill you for leaving him.”

I rolled my eyes, but deep down I wanted someone to care that much about me, and I guess I did.

“Yeah. I don’t think I could leave him even if it ever occurred to me. I’m pretty sure he’d be scarier than you.”

I’d bet that Cas’s face would crack if it smiled, but I was certain that his lips twitched and tried.

“Ah, Cas, you do care.” Cali reached up to ruffle his hair, but he towered over us, making it far easier for him to grab her wrist and keep her where we stood. Still, this time he did actually try the smile on.

“Alright. Well, Zeid and X might have heart attacks if I don’t deliver you two. Let’s go.”

He held out his arms, and when Cali linked hers with his, I did the same.

I’d never seen my life going this way, and now that it was, it all seemed like a dream. Like I was watching someone else get my dream. Until I slid my arm out of Cas’s and Zeid took myhand in his.He pulled me in, stopping before the flowers got crushed.

“Wonderful. All my boys will be married and happy. Let’s get this party started. I’m hungry.”

I looked at the old woman, although I didn’t think old was a good way to describe her at all. She was smiling, pride bubbling from her, and for all the wrinkles, she still looked fairly young to be a grandmother.

I stared for far too long and she turned toward me. “Winnie, dear. I’m Miss Winnie, and fair warning, if you hurt these boys in any way, I will have no problem hiding your body.”

I blinked.

“Miss Winnie, she won’t hurt me or them. Now marry us so we can get on with our plans.” Zeiden turned my chin back to him. Maybe he was worried what she said would cause me to run or maybe… I wasn't sure. But in reality it was exactly what I would want to hear. This was a family.

“I won’t hurt them, because without Zeiden I wouldn’t feel.”

For the moment the world fell away. This is what choosing a life felt like.

“Wonderful. Do we even need to go through the rest, or let's just sign those licenses and call it a day?” Winnie said.

I didn’t bother saying anything, I didn’t have to.

“Now kiss the brides and by the power vested in me by the state, I pronounce you husbands and wives.”

Zeiden’s mouth was on mine before I could blink. Everything fell into place, and that was it. Someone cleared their throat, and then Zeiden had me up in his arms bridal style like some cliché.

“What about the rings?” Rylee stepped in front of us before we could get down the aisle.

X and Zeid paused. My feet touched the ground as Zeid let me go to grab a ring Rylee held out. Or rather two. A band and an engagement ring.