I pulled Daisy’s chin up, stroking her jaw with my thumb.
“I have one question for our friend, but as soon as I am done, you may play all you want.”
Her eyes darkened and I doubted she even knew it. I doubted she knew what she was truly capable of.
I kissed her once and then reluctantly pulled out.
“Now, make sure your sexy ass is hidden, and while you wait, choose whatever accessories you want to use to play with your new toy.”
I tucked myself back into my pants and turned to the judge.
“So glad to see you’re finally awake. Now, I’m sure it goes without saying that I am not really okay with that. You got to hear Daisy scream my name, which I’d normally kill you for, but you weren’t leaving either way. So make sure your last minutes count. Exactly what did the senator promise you when he made sure you were appointed as the new judge?”
He spit at me, missing me by a few inches.
“If that’s how your aim is, I suppose I had very little to worry about with you and my Daisy.”
His face grew redder by the second.
“You know you giveaway a lot, Judge. This little vein right here?” I pulled out a knife from my boot and traced it. “One little nick and you’ll bleed out. That would be far too quick, though, so don’t you worry.”
I stepped back.
“Now, what were you promised that would make you valuable to the senator? How could he control such a strapping man like yourself?”
Daisy came up next to me, pulling my arm around her.
“Yeah, Raymond Hart. What is it that made you so loyal to my dear old dad? Certainly not me.” Daisy held up a simple yet effective knife, and it appeared she was more into it than she was into asking this man how he was interfering in all of my plans.
“Daisy, are you sure that’s what you want to use for your first time?”
That did seem to get a laugh from our audience.
“First time for what? Obviously her father lied about her being a virgin. Stupid whore. I should have expected that.”
It took me all of two steps and my fist met his nose with a satisfying crunch.
“Now, now. Is that anyway for an upstanding judge like yourself to talk to a lady? But to be fair, call her a whore again and I’ll make this a lot more painful than I had planned.”
I stepped back and Daisy grabbed my hand.
“Is this his blood?” she asked as I flexed my fist.
“That felt good and yes. Only his blood, I promise.”
I didn’t look at her. I was now hyper-fixated on this guy.
“Fuck. Fuck you. All I was supposed to do was make shit go away or convict fucking trash from the gangs. In return, I wassupposed to get a submissive little bitch, money, and status. I was finally going to show this city who the fuck I am.”
I looked at Daisy.
“So, my little dove. Here are the main arteries,” I said and used my knife to cut the fabric of his pants and no doubt some of the skin below as I pointed them out. “Severing any limbs would cause him to bleed out too fast and we are here for some very specific information.”
I watched those eyes. I watched the wicked little smirk that I knew I’d never see outside of my heaven and I liked it. I liked how she smiled like that just for me.
“So I can do whatever I want?” she asked, but she was already taking steps and slowly getting closer.
Normally I wanted to be the one to make them scream, but today? I put my hands in my pants pockets and just watched.