Page 31 of Escape From Me

Perhaps I was the only one to notice, but Daisy’s entire body language changed. Gone was the woman I’d known for the past few days. A perfect mask now in place.

“No thank you, Mother. I don’t think that I will get to know Judge Hart at Uncle Eric’s funeral.”

I cleared my throat and took a step forward. This Hart character sized me up like I hadn’t already figured him out in seconds. He was a scheming shit. Daddy’s money had backed him, but he still wanted more. Daisy was his next game piece, and wouldn’t he be sad when things didn’t go his way?

“And you are?” Hart asked, looking like he’d swallowed something sour.

No one offered anyone a welcoming handshake.

“Yes. Do tell. Who was so kind as to escort my dear daughter to a family affair?” The senator looked the part of a grieving brother in all black, but something about the absence of even a small tear, well, it was all unexpected. I studied him, watched his mouth, his eyes, even the way his brow didn’t shift. He wasn’t a man grieving. Not even I could hide my feelings this well, telling me this man might be a bit more of a monster than I’d realized. He was shooting up the list quickly.

However, right here, right now, that list was only so good. This wasn’t where I was an expert. I didn’t do small talk. I didn’t smile.


There was no need for formalities because I already knew who they were.

“Well, Zeiden no last name, it appears you’re lost,” Senator Ashford said.

I didn’t miss the way the mother slid her arm through the arm of Judge Hart.

“Walk me to get a drink while my husband thanks the driver.”

Hart eyed me, but it seemed he was smart enough to walk the fuck away.

“Of course. Allow me, Mrs. Ashford.”

Her mother grabbed Daisy’s arm.

“Sweetheart, walk with the judge and me.”

I didn’t miss the wince on Daisy’s face or the way her mother’s fingers turned white as they dug her nails into her daughter.

This wouldn’t work for me, and I reached for Daisy, but she pulled out of my grasp.

“Don’t.” That was all she said.

I wanted to protest, but her father moved with a speed that I half expected and half underestimated.

He stood between me and my dove.

“What will it take to make this go away? Five hundred thousand?”

I put my hands in my pockets and then found a place to focus on this man’s face. I wouldn’t meet him where he was at. He didn’t deserve my respect.

“You think your daughter has a price tag?”

He lowered his voice.

“A million? I don’t know who you are, but you are not an acceptable choice. We have expectations for Daisy, and she knows this. She will play her part.”

I raised a brow.

“You think I care? Maybe you should know who you’re talking to before you decide if your opinion matters.”

I could see the irritation in the way a small muscle in his cheek seemed to tighten. Not an easy tell, but I saw it nonetheless. Good.

“She isn’t available. Leave now or I can have you escorted.”