The hand that I’d squirmed free from slid under the coat he’d lent me, down the open back of my ruined dress, and that simple touch sent shivers over my enter body. My breathing was fogging up my helmet so I reached up and yanked at the thing, forgetting about the strap. Ever my mystery rescuer though, I felt the cold as his hand left my skin and he unclipped the helmet.
His motions rocked the bike, and maybe it was on accident, maybe it was on purpose, but I swear when he grabbed the helmet in one hand and my leg in the other as he slid it atop his own, my vagina was resting against his cock.
“I- I need to get off.”
He reached around himself, putting my helmet down before he removed his own.
“Give me a few minutes and I’m sure I can help you with that.”
My eyes belied my surprise. I was certain they just grew three times larger than normal.
“Wha- what?”
In that dark alley I hadn’t really appreciated his face, not with that lacy stupid mask on. But here? Without a mask and without a helmet?
I don’t know what came over me, but I raised my fingers to trace over a low scar that ran along his jawline.
“I said that if you give me a few minutes, I can get you off.” His voice was low and closer to my ear than I’d realized. Then again, there was almost no room between us at this point.
“Oh.” So I hadn’t heard him wrong. “I- I meant off the bike.”
He shrugged. “Pity. I’d love to see what this repressed body has all pent up inside.”
My jaw dropped and my pussy clenched.
The deep roar of laughter that he let out so freely echoed through what I now realized was a parking garage.
What would it be like to just laugh without judgment like that?
“Come on, little dove. I don’t like an audience, even if I thought you would let me between these legs.”
I moaned when his thumb ran up my thigh a lot higher than anyone else had ever gotten, and shit if that wasn’t a bit embarrassing. He leaned in closer, pushing my back against the handlebars as he lowered his voice.
“Or maybe you would. Either way, I need to check a few things and none of them are your pussy. Not yet anyway.”
He pushed himself back, getting out from under me and kicking his leg off the bike. Once he was standing he reached for me, and it was like I weighed nothing the way he just manhandled me.
“Come on, princess. Come visit my tower now that I have rescued you from yours.”
I couldn’t tell if he hesitated a second or if it was my imagination, but when he gripped my hand it was like a decision had been made and that was that.
I followed him without question because I’d come too far to back out now.
“Where are we?” I asked him as we approached an elevator. This time, though, I was certain it wasn’t a service elevator. It wasn’t ugly and draped in bulky gray blankets.
“My hotel. It’s closer to the venue, and you are welcome to hide here as long as you need.”
His hotel?
The doors dinged as they opened, and he pulled me inside. The whole space was mirrored with contemporary accents. This wasn’t low budget at all. He leaned into me, and I breathed in that rustic masculine scent of him that I knew wasn’t like the rest of the rich men that I was stuck with… and yet... his hotel?
I held my breath when his lips were an inch from mine. I should have been slapping him or something demure, but hell. I just wanted to know what it felt like to be kissed by him, except he didn’t. He did something behind me and then shifted us back against the wall. I looked around him to where I’d just stood. Right. He’d clicked a button to go to the upper floors. The kind that needed a fob to access.
“Why are you out of breath, little dove? Did you expect something different?”
Was he serious? I couldn’t read this fucker’s pocket face.