“You said I could help. So let me help. Now, point me to those cops.”
I reached for her and she stepped back again, this time finding uneven payment. I lunged for her, grabbing Daisy just in time.
“You will be the death of me if you get hurt. Go back to Cas.”
Those fucking police lights sure as shit lit up this seedy little alley, and I hated what I saw on her face. Determination.
“You said you needed me. Guess you should have thought about that first. So either let me go do whatever it is you think I can do, or, or…”
I smirked at her. “Or what? You’ll try to wiggle out of my arms again?”
And that was the moment I realized how fucked I was.
“No, prince asshole. You don’t let me help, then you don’t get laid. Simple as that. This vagina is closed. She’s shut up like a bank on a Sunday. She's out of order like an atm in?—”
I couldn’t win. It was pointless.
“Just shut up and follow my lead. Fucking hell, those are the worst analogies a little rich princess could come up with.”
Righting her, I spun her around and pushed her behind my back as I approached the cops.
They noticed and turned guns our way.
“Gee, officers, to what do I owe this pleasurable greeting?”
They didn’t budge but someone came around them, gutsy enough to take the frontline.
“You’re the one in charge of these boys?”
I nodded and tightened my grip on Daisy’s arm as she tried to move around me.
I ground my molars.
“Your boys here have a lot of illegal shit in that car. Seems a little stupid of you to come all the way over here just for three worthless thugs.”
I couldn’t see their faces, but I didn’t need to. Our boys were our business. Our gang was family.
“Seems a little stupid for you to try and frame our gang.” I nodded to the car.
The guy didn’t say anything for a minute; we just glared at each other.
“How do we make this shit go away, skippy?”
The cop’s crooked-ass face lit right the fuck up.
“Aw, now you wouldn’t be trying to bribe a police officer, would you?” The second cop pushed down the other asshole's arms, pointing the gun at the ground rather than my face.
“Never. I wouldn’t dream of doing something illegal, just like you planting shit on my boys there. Why would you go about framing innocent civilians?”
The cop took off his hat and scratched at his hair before putting it back on.
“Well, well. Innocent? Doubtful. It is rather interesting that none of these three brought up any warrants or priors though.”
Daisy tried to push me away, but she underestimated my drive to keep her safe.
“Yeah. Strange. Stranger yet is some cops pulling over a few guys on bikes. I know for a fact that car isn’t theirs. Not a single judge is going to believe this pile of crap, so cut the shit and tell me what you want.”
This guy was really working for someone else and as much as he tried to be scary, the intimidation tactics wouldn’t work.