Page 5 of Escape From Me

I felt the rumble of his chuckle under where my hips dropped over his shoulder. Well shit. That was a new feeling, and I wanted more.

The doors closed behind us and only then did he pull me off his shoulder.

“No one will know where you’ve gone. There will be no trace of you.”

I sucked in a breath when he stepped closer, his hand still around my hip, still holding me right where he wanted me.

“How do you know that?” My eyes searched his face, still partially obscured by the masks that made this event anonymous, mostly. It wasn’t like my parents didn’t know exactly what I’d been wearing.

“It’s my business to know everything. I am very good at watching those who think they are the ones with the power, but ,princess,” he paused, his fingers brushing over my cheek, pushing aside a loose lock of hair, “it’s all a facade. Isn’t it?”

Lord help me, but I pressed my cheek into his palm, craving touch. No, craving his touch.

“I don’t know who you are and I don’t pretend to know how anything in this city works, but my father might be the worst of the demons here and I’m afraid I just put a target on your back.”

I closed my eyes as I let that warmth of his seep inside me, giving me a peace I didn’t even know existed.

“Oh, little dove, you have no idea how dark my demons are. Care to find out?”

The sounds of the party were gone when the floor indicator dinged and the doors swished open again.

“Better your demons than his, right?”

What the hell was I even asking for?



She hadn’t beenin my plan for the night. She hadn’t been in the plan ever, but something about her screamed that I couldn’t leave her behind. I liked structure. I liked rules. I liked information. She might help with the latter, but not the other two. Except, when the assholes who thought they were untouchable broke the rules, it was my job to make sure justice was served. Stealing away something or someone that they needed? Priceless revenge.

The thing about this whole situation was the way she looked at me. It didn’t make me want to crawl out of my skin or hide in the darkest of corners, just like where I’d found her.

No, it was almost like she saw me for me, and without having ever realized it, I craved it. I could lie and tell myself it was all about balancing out those assholes and making sure they paid for their sins, but I don’t think I could let her go even if she begged.

I watched her eyes; I studied her mouth. I tried to understand what was running over her face, but these damn masks weren’t helpful.

“Alright, little dove. Welcome to hell.”

She smiled though, and that I could see. That was all the permission I needed as I grabbed her elbow and shuffled us out of the freight elevator back into an alley where my bike was hidden. Where Cas and X had come through the front door, I preferred my habit of making sure no one knew I was even here.

“Where is your car?”

I shrugged and kept walking.

“You mean like a driver and a car, I assume? Yeah, no thanks. I drive myself. My brothers have a car and one of our own drives them. But I’m leaving now and you wanted to come.”

I noticed the strange pull against my hand as she fell behind.

“What? Never had to drive yourself before?”

Her lips were pressed tightly together.

“It’s not that. I mean yes. But I don’t even see a car. Are you going to murder me and hide my body in the dumpster?”

I don’t know what she expected from me in response, but I was certain it wasn’t the smile or the roaring laughter that I couldn’t control.

“Princess, if I were going to murder you, I would have already told you my plan. I have work to do and you wanted me to take you with me. So you’re going with me. Now, as for the car…”