Page 49 of Escape From Me

I heard her words, but nothing about her actually cared. I was certain of it. This was all about those daddy issues. All about the fact that no one had ever told her she was approved of. Fucking hell if that didn’t hurt. Except me. I’d told her. I always had my boys, and until now, she’d had no one.

I squeezed my hand over her bare thigh. She had me.

“Little dove, you made it look like a work of art.”

I stopped walking, holding her up on my shoulder as I slid my finger over the pad on the first biometric lock to get onto my floor. The door clicked shut behind me and I moved downthe long hallway to a single door where a keypad needed a code and then a biometric check. The one thing I’d gotten good at was paranoia. This had been my first chance to really figure out security. This had been our first fort. Our first step out of the hell that had been the rundown hood, now finally demolished and ready for a foundation to be poured for a youth center.

Shit had changed so much since this place. I hated change, except when I could see all the good it would do. Somehow, in the middle of my hatred for change, Daisy had found a way to reach around that panic. She was the needed change in my life, and I had never realized just what had always felt off. It was not having her.

“Zeiden, put me down. I can’t see your face, and as hot as your ass is? Well, just put me down.”

I was too far in my head. All the plans I needed to act on coming in a wave of inspiration. My first prize on this list? My beautiful angel that I would get to keep forever.

The bathroom wasn’t more than a few feet past the door, and once there, I flicked the light on and reached into the glass-and-stone shower, twisting the knob to let the water flow freely. The calming sound of the rainfall heads instantly filled the room, and I finally pulled her off my shoulder while keeping her in my grasp. She was my everything.

I shifted her in my arms, keeping her feet off the ground as we stepped into the spray.

“Zeid, what are you doing? This dress…” She trailed off when I leaned her head under the spray and started to rinse her hair, letting my fingers play through the strands.

“The dress is ruined, Daisy. I will buy you plenty more if that is what you like.” I said it and I meant it. Whatever this woman wanted, I would do it. Whatever made her know that she was mine and I was forever hers.

“It’s okay, Zeid. Oh god, that feels amazing.”

Her body was pressed against mine as red trailed down the drain. Wasn’t the first time this shower had run red.

The blood was caked in her hair and down her neck, and as I chipped away at it, I processed her words.

“What is okay, dove?”

I kept my fingers rubbing against her scalp, combing through her hair because she seemed to love the way they tangled in the strands. The way she moaned had my cock hardening.

“It’s okay if you can’t afford to keep up with my old life. I never wanted it. I don’t want it now.”

Moments passed while I kept my fingers moving, loving the little moans, and my cock continued to grow harder and pressed against my wet and now tight pants.

Her skin, smooth and glistening wet, called to me, and I leaned in to taste her before placing kiss after kiss. I wrapped her wet strands around my hand and pulled her head back, pausing my need for her for just a moment.

“Daisy, just because we look the way we do and your father believes us all to be lowlifes doesn’t mean we fit anything you know. There is quite literally a chance my boys and I have far more money than your father has ever seen. And for all the bad we do, there is a lot of good. We take care of our own. I will take care of you. Now, little dove, spread those legs for me.”

Backing her into the wall, I moved my free hand over her wet dress, pulling at the hem of it. The fabric stuck to her body and it pissed me off.

Letting her hair go, I reached for my blade in my boot and flipped it open.

I sunk down onto my knees, slowly tracing my hands over her body, getting a front-row seat to the way her breasts moved with every rapid breath.

Everything was quiet around us, no sound but the water. I noticed how she followed the knife, and I couldn’t wait to seehow wet her pussy was. “What would your daddy say, little dove, if he knew how much you liked my knife on you?”

She didn’t say anything, and I went back to my little project. The metal of the knife blade would have been cold over her now warmed skin as I moved it along her thigh, careful to keep the edge from cutting her.

The sharp blade caught the fabric at the hem and sliced through it like paper. Inch by inch I slid the blade higher and higher, the fabric splitting away as I cut the fibers, revealing my prize below. She tempted me and I lost all logic with her. She broke all my resolve. Her soft skin called to me as I chased the blade with my lips. I kissed the skin as the fabric split away, kissing a trail up her thigh, her stomach.

The lacy fabric of the bra was the only thing between me and every inch of her body.

Keeping her eyes on mine, I smirked and pulled the knife through, freeing her perky breasts.

“Beautiful.” I used the tip of the blade to push the scraps of fabric off her shoulder. She did the rest, letting it all fall to the shower floor.

She didn’t move, but the way her breasts rose and fell? The hard peaks of her nipples? She was watching my every move. I liked seeing this side of her coming out. The side of her that had confidence. But then there was the soft little side where she needed me to give her reassurance.