Page 41 of Escape From Me

The door slammed shut behind me and as I watched my little dove. She seemed perfectly content. What would it be like if shewere just as twisted, just as desperate to let a repressed side of herself out?

My cock jumped at the idea.

What would it be like to see this all for the first time again? At first glance, there was a chair, but if you looked closer, there were chains attached to the ceiling. There were tarps, and if you walked toward a corner, there was a cart and sink and shelves.

At some point in the car she’d ditched the heels making her steps on the concrete floor nearly silent, and yet I knew every single move she made in here. Hunger filled every crack inside me that wasn’t already planning my next move with Mr. Corrupt Judge.

She spun on her little toes, barely making a small sound that proved she was indeed in here.

“Why wouldn’t I trust you? You’ve never been anything but honest. And…” Her voice trailed off with each step. “And something about you just feels safe. Nothing in my world has ever felt safe.”

Safe? She just called me safe? It shouldn’t have hit me like it did. Straight in the chest. Fuck if that strange little comment didn’t make me stagger a half step before I continued, finally getting the dear old judge to the single-chair setup.

And now for the fun to begin. The world fell away in here, and today was almost the same, almost. She was my ever-present little captive audience.

“Little dove? You asked what this place is. Well, welcome to my playground. It’s for any Spector in need, of course, but for me and my brothers? It was one of our first purchases. This building. Made us step into a legit business world, though with a few other perks.”

The cuffs on the chair rattled a bit as I set the body onto the wood in a deep slouch. It didn’t seem right to leave her alone in the middle of the room, not when there was fun to be had. Notwhen I wanted her next to me. With a glance over my shoulder, I half expected to see her shocked, frozen, or even just full of questions. Instead I clamped down one cuff onto the judge’s wrist and saw her beautiful eyes looking up at me as she reached for the cuff on the other side.

“Like this?” she asked me. The way her hands slid over the metal as she clipped them together had me growing hard.

“Yeah, dove. Like that.”

There were other restraints. Other things I could do, but this guy wouldn’t be much trouble.

I stood and held my hand out to her, pulling her into my body.

“You’re not running yet?”

I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger, tilting her face upward.

“Instant regret hit me the moment I asked you to leave. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that’s always told me what was wrong in my life? Well, it wasn't hard for me to realize that you’re not the villain in my story. You’re my own personal hero.”

I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, thinking.

“Hero? I don’t think I've ever been called that. Demon?” I leaned in to kiss her soft lips before pulling away after a second. “Perhaps.”

The basement was quiet, for the moment. I could hear every single inhale and exhale. I could feel the way her breath whispered over my lips.

“Whatever you are, you’re mine,” she said without turning away. Her gaze locked on my own. “How long until he wakes?” she asked.

I found the strength to look away from her to the chair where his head still hung, but his chest was obviously moving.

“Hard to say. The bottles were all drugged rather heavily just in case he didn’t drink enough.”

I stilled as her hands trailed over my chest then came up to wrap around my neck.

“Would he have died?” she asked? “What if I had drunk too much from them?”

I slid my hand over my jacket toward a pocket.

“He might have, and it would have been a blessing for him. However, had you drunk from one, this vial would have countered the effects enough that you would have awoken quickly.”

Down here, there was no one and no thing that could pull away my beautiful little Daisy. I could feel every inhale as her chest expanded, and we just breathed together. Steady, even. I turned my attention back to her.

“How many other girls have you brought here?”

I quirked my brow at her.