She hadn’t noticed who was driving the car any more than he had. Shame.
“Your pussy better be worth the trouble you are giving me. Maybe that mouth can be put to good use later.”
Every word this rich twat said was getting cataloged. And each of the harsh words against my little dove would be punished.
“Get your hands off me.”
I slammed on the brakes and a satisfying thud accompanied a few more swear words.
“Watch the fuck where you are going. I’ll have you fired if you do that again.” He pushed his way back against the seat. “Fuck. You’ve been nothing by a thorn in my side. Your father thinking we’re friends because I was willing to marry you. Willing to take his bribes with you as partial payment to ensure certain benchmark cases would be overturned and others would get the outcome he wanted. I deserve more.”
I caught the movement in the rearview mirror before I heard her scream.
“Get off me. Stop. Please.”
I pulled the gun from my belt and slammed on the brakes of the town car as we stopped in the middle of traffic.
“Get your fucking hands off my little dove.”
Recognition registered as car horns blared around us.
“She is my property. Where the hell is my driver?”
I didn’t move for a long breath.
“I wouldn’t worry much about him. In about three minutes or so, it won’t matter.”
His face seemed like it was turning an odd shade of purple as a vein popped out of his temple.
“What the hell are you even talking about? Fuck you.” He pulled a phone from his jacket, and before he could dial, Daisy grabbed a glass and hit him over the head. The glass shattered, and for a moment, he just glared at her. I was ready to shoot though.
“You, bit—” His words died as he slumped over.
“Oh my god. Did I kill him?” Daisy reached forward and put her hand on his neck, right where the pulse would be easiest to find. She sighed in relief.
“What would it matter? He will be dead sooner rather than later anyway.”
She looked back at me, and without another word, she launched herself at me and planted a kiss on my lips.
The warmth of her was everything that I was starved for, and fuck if I cared about the cars outside. But I would if a cop found me.
“Daisy, sit tight. I have a surprise for you.”
I squeezedmy ass through the little partition window, refusing to be in the back seat anymore.
I’d never been given a surprise. Or not one I liked anyway.
“Yes. A surprise. Assuming you’re ready to get revenge on Daddy?” Zeid said, without taking his eyes off the road.
I’d never been to this part of the city. The buildings were shorter with little character. Different from all the pretentious places that harbored high society.
To be fair, I’d never been any place my father didn’t want me to be. I took in that last thought.