Page 32 of Escape From Me

He glanced over his shoulder to men in suits that I’d already pegged as hired security.

“It seems that manners don’t come to this family naturally. Detective Fuller was just as charismatic, and it seems that karma found him.”

I saw the moment his eyes shifted from slightly sane to psychopathic. I was well versed in crazy, but before threats could fly, Daisy reached for her father.

I could flip a switch too. I could meet the eyes of a crazy person because there was nothing normal about them. I thrived on crazy. I glared at him, trying to see who would crack first, if either of us would. Would he see my crazy?

I hoped so.

My heart beat slow and steady. I controlled the need to reach out and snap his pathetic little neck. There was movement in my peripheral, and I gave in to look away, because I knew it was her even before I could see her.

Her body, warm as it pushed between me and her father, her ass pressed against my cock. I couldn’t control the hand I trailed over her arm as she stood against me.

“Daddy. Weren’t you at all worried about me?”

I looked over at a small table with some drinks and other crap. Her mother and the fucked little judge stood there, but I saw the looks of disapproval.

Her father’s voice was low and the sharp edge obvious.

“Worried? Worried that my daughter would go and throw herself at some lowlife like this? No, I can’t say that was a concern. We knew you’d come back. Especially since I didn’t think you’d have it in you to keep a man. You’re just as useless as your mother.”

“You’ll excuse me, but it appears you’re confused on who is useless and who is the lowlife,” I interjected, grabbing his wrist as he tried to reach for his daughter.

He turned his eyes back on me, but at least he wasn’t making his daughter feel worthless.

“Who are you that you get to tell me anything? The offer has expired. Leave or I will make you. Makes no difference to me. Daisy is already bought and paid for. She isn’t my problem anymore. Daisy, say goodbye to whatever this was.”

Daisy didn’t look up. She just kept her gaze on the grassy ground.

Her hand brushed over mine before she shifted away.

“Goodbye. Thanks again.”

I reached for her and this time she didn’t shy away. I pulled her hand to me as I grabbed her phone out of my jacket andslid it into her palm, yanking her out of her father’s grasp and holding her to me.

“You want me to leave?”

She just nodded against my chest, and I swore the entire world ceased to exist.

“I won’t.”

She didn’t say anything, just tried to push me away.

My hands wrapped around her upper arms as I turned her so I could see every single crease in her face. Looked at her eyes that had lost all the sparkle.

I simply nodded. I didn’t understand, and maybe I didn’t have to. I would give her a bit of time.

“Keep your phone on. I told you, I don’t play games I can’t win. I’ll see you soon, little dove.”

She pulled away from me, standing there like she was lost, and I hated it.

This time I made sure her father heard me.

“I came for you, and if you ask me to stay, I stay.”

There she went, shaking her head.

“Good. At least my daughter knows her place. You? You are no longer welcome.”