Every single nervein my body was alive. There was a foreign pressure growing deep in my belly. With every stroke of those thick fingers, he was pulling me closer and closer to a cliff I didn’t even know existed but I was happily following him over.
I was going to be damned later, I was pretty sure, but I wanted this. I wanted him. I shouldn’t have trusted a man like him. A man that no doubt had tattoos. A man that had hair that was just this side of too long. A man that smelled of grease and manual labor. A man that knew how to fuck me with his fingers like he was doing.
My fingers dug into the sweatshirt he wore. I didn’t even remember how my arms got around his neck, but the second those lips touched mine? My entire body shorted out and I was pretty sure this was how I would die. My pussy clenched around his fingers and I couldn’t remember how to breathe.
I don’t know how long we stood like that. I couldn’t tell you when he finally let me drink in air into my starved lungs or when exactly he’d removed his fingers. The heat of his hand was still there against my pussy, but I felt so empty. But then his words caught up to me. I came down from that dance among the clouds and I was here again. Just me. Just me with a little more life inmy soul mind you, but just me. Just me and him and a loud crack filled his closet as my hand stung.
Oh shit.
I tried to pull out of his embrace, but damn it if his arms weren’t massive. The guy was huge. Maybe that was what had set him apart at first. But now it was a giant pain in the butt.
“I did not ever ask to be fucked as you put it, you crude jerk.”
It took me a few seconds to register what was vibrating, or rather no. Laughing. The silent chuckle that started in him slowly built until he let out a full-hearted laugh and I wasn’t sure if I should hate him or love the way his face seemed to lighten into an entirely different person.
“What’s so funny?” I tried to pull away again, but he just seemed to double down and tighten his arm around me.
“So you ask to be kidnapped frequently but not fucked? Lucky me?”
I pursed my lips. And crossed my arms over my breasts the best I could, putting all of an inch between our bodies.
“Something tells me that you would mind if I did ask you to take my v-card right now, so what does it matter?”
I could feel the heat in my face as I stopped and realized what I’d just admitted.
His laughter stopped. He cleared his throat and stood up straight, letting me go slowly, but letting me go nonetheless.
“I need to get back to, uh, what I came here for.”
He was rubbing the back of his neck and rocking from one foot to the next before he looked at the floor, grabbed his sweatshirt, and practically tossed it at me. He then put his hands on either side of my waist and lifted me off the ground like I was paper and set me where he’d just been standing and walked out without another thought.
What in the hell?
I don’t exactly know how long I stood in the closet before I felt the chill in the air and remembered I was damn near naked. I was damn near naked and still a virgin.
Were the only men in my life going to be the ones that would pay heavily for my innocence, but not because it was that, just because it was my father behind it all?
My father was a real asshole, and my mother? I’d like to think she might have been a nice person once upon a time. Once upon a time before my father got to her and created the cold bitch that was better at drinking than a fish.
I slid on the sweatshirt that hit me mid-thigh and stood there letting it swallow me up. It smelled like him. It smelled like a man that one minute had to be the sexiest man I’d ever seen in my life and then looked like he’d just seen a ghost. I don’t know why, but a giggle bubbled up and I laughed before a tear trailed down my check. Right.
What had I thought? I would get some stranger to take me away from my cage and for what? He was never going to rescue me. He said as much. He was never going to change my life.
He was just going to give me an escape for a few minutes, and oh what an escape it had been.
“Daisy,” Zeid said from the room outside my hiding spot. I rolled my shoulders back and put on a fake air of confidence just like I had when I’d rebelled tonight by not wearing nylons or stockings like any dignified woman would.
One foot in front of the other. I made my way into the large bedroom.
“Yes, Zeid? What is that short for anyway? Zeiden?”
The room was big but not anything I hadn’t seen before. Pretty typical of a penthouse. A large bed was on one side of the room. I hated the way my fingers played with the edge of the hoodie, and I crossed my legs thinking about what might havehappened in that bed if I hadn’t scared him off. Of course I would scare him.
I turned away from the bed and saw the small loveseat in the other corner next to a nightstand with a tv, and then the room wrapped around into a small sort of office, I supposed. Except Zeid had a lot of monitors and several computers neatly tucked into a small cabinet. There was no desk. He was standing up and using some kind of pad.
“What? Yeah. Zeiden. My mother liked fancy shit. Anyway, who did you say your father was?”