“No, you don’t.”
“Dammit, Blake.”
“I don’t trust anyone with you. No one.” His voice was nearly a growl. “Not even my best friend.”
I lowered my forehead to his. The reassuring citrus and spice scent of him soothed me. “What the hell am I going to do with you?”
His fingers curled over my hip to cup my ass. His other hand teased the lock of hair that had fallen forward before he tucked it behind my ear. Instead of answering me, he sealed his lips over mine and kissed me breathless.
He tasted of peanuts and warmth, along with all the things I’d come to cherish and long for. I wanted to curl into his lap and fall into this rare bit of easy affection, but I was on a schedule.
Always a schedule when it came to this man.
Wrong time, wrong place.
I gripped his wrist, then I trailed my fingers down the swirls of ink to the rolled cuff of his shirt. I leaned back before he could deepen the kiss even more.
I’d be toast.
Was he wearing an extra layer of hormones or something today? What the hell was going on with me?
“You need to work.” I swallowed down a moan and braced myself on his shoulders. I scooped his glasses out of his pocket and set them on his nose. “Work hard, I have plans for you tonight.”
He searched my face, then he nodded. “I could be amenable to that.”
I laughed. “Good to know.” I brushed my knee against his hardness before setting my foot back on the floor.
“I’ll remember this little maneuver, Ms. Copeland.”
I brushed my thumb across his lower lip to get the last of my lipstick smear.
He grasped my wrist to scrape his teeth along the sensitive heel of my hand before leaving a wisp of a kiss at my wrist. “I’ll check in this afternoon.”
He so wasn’t playing fair.
Like I should be surprised. “Sounds good.”
There, my voice didn’t soundtoomuch like Demi Moore’s.
I gathered my containers and his, dropping them in the trash before I left. There was no way I could look back at him.
Not right now.
Vest, ink, hard-on, and glasses? I was only human.
Work, Grace.I had a multi-million dollar deal to smooth out with an old guy who required my sweet side, not the hormonally driven, lusty Grace who wanted to drop to my knees and take Blake’s impressive cock into my mouth.
It was going to be a very long day.
Chapter 21