Page 79 of Possession

The ride into Boston was quiet. Blake seemed to be lost in his thoughts even more so than usual. And for once, I didn’t mind the silence. I needed to get my head in the game. It was stuffed full of random pieces of information.

My grandmother’s secrets.

Numbers that made my head spin, and I was good at numbers, dammit. I practically ran Blake’s business when he was too wrapped up in individual projects. But here and now, I was marching into overwhelmed status.

We parked and spent the elevator ride going over the high points for the day. Instead of coming up to the executive floor with me, he stopped off in RnD.

“I’m going to use my workshop to go through some of the data. Easier to use multiple screens to do side-by-side comparisons.”

I nodded. “Good idea.”

He curled his hand over the open doors. It was early enough that no one was around. I frowned as he hovered at the threshold, one booted foot over, the other still in the elevator.

“Blake? Did you forget something?”

His jaw flexed.

I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

He stepped back into the elevator and pushed me up against the back rail, lifting me onto my toes. His mouth covered mine in a hot and hard kiss.

Distantly, my work brain whispered a warning about cameras, but the lusty side was way louder.

Lusty for the win.

I grasped his shoulder with one hand and slid the other under his coat, suit jacket, and into the silky back of his vest. So much heat and power trapped under classy wool.

He’d always been very dominant in how he kissed and touched me. Oh, there were moments of sweetness, but overall, it always seemed like when he touched me it was as if a padlock had been snapped open and his passion came roaring out.

This was no different—except this was at work.

His hardness dug into my middle. Part of me wanted to palm him again. Another part ached to drop to my knees and take him in hand.

Had the air around us been peppered with some hormone-inducing crazy gas?

Finally, he drew hard on my lower lip and stepped back. “I’ll see you for lunch.” His chest was heaving, and his impeccable hair had been mauled by my hand…somehow.

I didn’t even remember doing it.

“Yes, Mr. Carson.”

His fingers fisted around his messenger bag. “Ms. Copeland.” His voice was thick and deep and then he was gone, striding down the hall and disappearing into the huge office he kept there.

An office I’d never actually been in.

The doors slid shut silently and the glass-enclosed elevator rose to the executive floor. When the door opened, Jack met me in the hallway.

“You’re late, Blondie.” His eyebrow hiked up into his shaggy blond hair. “And disheveled.”

“Shut up, Jack.” I stalked down the hallway to the bathrooms and he followed me. “Do you mind?”

“Unisex,” he said with a shrug.

“What is it with you men today?”

“I’d figure you’d be in a better mood with the messed-up do and all.”

I turned to the mirror and bit back a groan. I’d started out the day with a smooth ponytail. Somehow Blake had jerked it askew, and my blouse was untucked.