I shrugged. “Better than a chirpy talk show host.”
“We can agree in that regard.”
I sighed. Blake, of course, usually tuned the TV to the news or a financial show. Boring. I handed him the remote. “I suppose you want CNN or something.”
He took the remote and tossed it on the bed. His gaze drifted to the twisted sheets. I would’ve liked to think it was because he wanted to toss me onto the mattress, but it was probably because the bed was unmade. The dude had some serious issues with keeping a place tidy.
Was it wrong that I got off on leaving things slightly askew? His tie, his bed, my clothes on a chair?
Most likely.
A psychologist would probably enjoy the hell out of a couch session with me.
“I’d like to change our schedules a little.”
“I need you to cover more of my west coast dealings for the rest of the calendar year. So, we’ll be going in a little later.”
The rest of the calendar year, so under two weeks. Not exactly a huge stretch of time.
“All right.” I tilted my head. “Wait…we?”
He nodded.
“It’s not like we work a nine-to-five shift. I seem to remember a few dashes for the door well past the witching hour.”
He sighed. “Yes, but we need to keep up appearances. If Annabelle is to be believed?—”
“Why would she lie?”
Blake simply raised a brow. Hell. Yeah, it wasn’t exactly like my grandmother was keen on keeping things low-key. She enjoyed dramatics when it suited her.
Okay, so it suited her more than I preferred to own up to.
“If Annabelle is to be believed, you are in danger. And that means we need to work smart. We’ll go in later so that we can work a little later, but not too late. I want to be able to monitor the comings and goings of the office and here at the house, as well as the beach house.”
I frowned. “Monitor?”
He moved away and slipped off the towel, tossing it over his shoulder as he walked to his armoire. Effortlessly beautiful, and more than comfortable with his body, he didn’t pay attention to my slack-jawed reaction in the mirror.
Not sure I was ever going to get used to this whole other side of Blake. I know I sounded a little crazy—even to myself—but getting used to the intimacy of us when we weren’t skin to skin was a little nerve-racking.
No matter how long we were together, I was never going to saunter around the house naked. In the dark was one thing, but with the gray wash of dawn creeping over the sky and through every blessed window of his master bedroom…yeah, that was a no.
He snapped out a pair of boxer briefs and stepped into them. I tried not to stare, but truthfully, they hugged his ridiculously fine form.
Click back into gear, Grace.
“Monitor?” I asked again when my brain behaved.
“Yes. I’ve wired all of the houses with a closed-circuit system.”
I swiveled around and stared into the corners. “I don’t see any cameras.”