Didn’t he know that night was naked time?Ustime.
The only time I could touch and speak to the man I’d fallen for. One I wasn’t entirely sure existed outside of my fantasies.
I got my sweatshirt up to my bra. The rocks burned. Could cold burn? Was I just one big freezer-burned slice of Grace? My teeth were chattering so hard I was afraid I’d loosen fillings.
My arms were tired. I couldn’t get it off.
I was going to die down here with my grandmother’s damning words swirling in my head. No answers. Just more questions.
Everyone lied to me.
Everyone kept their true selves to themselves.
Leaving me alone.
Always alone.
The water splashed against my belly. I wiggled and thrashed.
“Off, motherfucker.”
Finally, it came free and plopped into the water. I fished it out and wrung out the sleeves. I shook so bad I couldn’t get much of the water out, but enough.
It had to be enough.
I twisted.
“Call,” I whispered.
Nothing but blackness.
The moon had shifted, so I didn’t even have that light anymore.
“Ring, damn you,” I bellowed.
I needed to know where to aim.
“A text even. Something. I need that tenacious Blake right now.”
I stared into the darkness. At least I hoped I was staring. My night vision was blurry at best right now.
The bloom of white light startled me. I slapped at the wall with my sweatshirt. The sleeve thwacking against the rock.
I heard my phone skid over rock.
Had I pushed it deeper?
I aimed for the same spot again. My arms trembled as I held them over my head and slowly pulled the fabric down.
The case came down, nailing me in the cheek.
I caught it against my neck. “Yes. Oh, yes.” I could barely feel it in my hands. Frostbite.
God, please don’t take my fingers. Take a toe. Whatever. Just not my fingers.
I fumbled with my cell and the face lit up again. Blake.